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- To: info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
- Subject: Connections.Lisp
- From: Bela Ban <ban@ifi.unizh.ch>
- Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1992 12:29:37 +0100
- Conversion: Prohibited
- X400-content-type: P2-1984 (2)
- X400-mts-identifier: [/PRMD=SWITCH/ADMD=ARCOM/C=CH/;920114122937]
- X400-originator: ban@ifi.unizh.ch
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- X400-received: by /PRMD=SWITCH/ADMD=ARCOM/C=CH/; Relayed; Tue, 14 Jan 1992 12:29:37 +0100
Hi, I'm new to this mailing list and have the following problem: (if I'm on the
wrong list, please redirect me...):
1. How can I create a record from the following definition:
(defrecord CMBufferSizes (array (array :signed-long 8)))
Do I really have to allocate memory of my own (like %stack-block ((array 32)) ??
2. What does this do ? There's nothing in the docs...
(def-mactype :connhandle (find-mactype :pointer))
It is defined once, but never again used !
3. If anyone has some sample code, could he / she please send it to me ?
Many thsnha
Many thanks !!