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Patch beyond b1p3?
- To: info-mcl
- Subject: Patch beyond b1p3?
- From: espen@coli.uni-sb.de (Espen J. Vestre)
- Date: 27 Jan 92 09:04:38 GMT
- Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp.mcl
- Organization: Universitaet des Saarlandes
- Sender: news@coli.uni-sb.de (Usenet news system)
I have the b1p3 patch installed, and wonder if there will be any more
patches before 2.0 is released.
b1p3 runs only in caches-off mode on my Quadra 700. This not only makes
it much slower than it could have been, but also seems to be the source of
"bus error" crashes when run simulatnously with MACTCP programs. (This
happens with Word 4.0+MACTCP also, if anybody knows whether the Alysis
INIT might have something to do with it, I'd be glad to hear!)
A positive side remark: I've noticed that an old program of mine runs at
more than double speed in cache-off mode compared to an old Mac IIX
w/1.3.2 (or an old NeXt w/ Franz Allegro CL), while the processor speeds
alone should be approximately equal when caches are off. This program
relies heavily on MAPCAR. Has it been reimplemented in a much more
efficient way?
(since 1.3.2 doesn't run on my machine, I can't test it myself)
Espen J. Vestre, espen@coli.uni-sb.de
Universitaet des Saarlandes,
Computerlinguistik, Gebaeude 17.2
Im Stadtwald,
D-6600 SAARBRUECKEN, Germany tel. +49 (681) 302 4501