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I did a sample program to test the function copy-bits as follows:

(setq s-rect (make-record :rect :topleft #@(10 10) :bottomright #@(100
(setq d-rect (make-record :rect :topleft #@(10 10) :bottomright #@(100

(setq s-map (make-bitmap 1 1 100 100))
(setq dd-map (make-bitmap 1 1 100 100))
(setq my-addr (rref s-map :bitmap.baseaddr))
(#_setport s-map)
(#_bitset my-addr 6)(#_bitset my-addr 7)(#_bitset my-addr 8)

(#_setport dd-map)

(defclass my-window (window)())
(defmethod view-draw-contents ((self my-window))
(copy-bits s-map dd-map s-rect d-rect))
(setq foo (make-instance 'my-window))

After running the code, nothing shown me on the window.  Can anyone tell
me the problem?  Thanks.