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Re: Heirarchical pop up menus bug?
- To: cfry@MIT.EDU
- Subject: Re: Heirarchical pop up menus bug?
- From: "Mark A. Tapia" <markt@dgp.toronto.edu>
- Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1992 12:10:29 -0500
- Cc: bug-macl@cambridge.apple.com, info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
- Full-name:
cfry@MIT.EDU writes:
> I'm attempting to create a heirarchical pop-up menu.
> When I select an item on the submenu, the action for an item on the
> top-level menu gets run!
Using hierarchical menus in this way "violates" the user-interface
I've noticed the same problem. The problem is actually worse, if the
submenu contains more items than the main menu, you'll generate an
error since there is no menu-item-action-function associated with
a non-existent menu item.
The fix is very simple: replace the menu-select function in
pop-up-menus.lisp with the following:
(defmethod menu-select ((menu pop-up-menu) num
&aux selection
(a-rect (pop-up-menu-rect menu))
(pos (with-focused-view (view-container menu)
(wptr menu)
(rref a-rect :rect.topleft)))))
(declare (ignore num))
(menu-update menu)
(setq selection (#_PopUpMenuSelect
:ptr (slot-value menu 'menu-handle)
:word (point-v pos)
:word (- (point-h pos)
:word (or (pop-up-menu-default-item menu) 0)
;we get the selected menu in case you want to break the rules
;and use heirarchical menus in a pop-up menu
selected-menu (menu-object (ash (logand #xFFFF0000 selection) -16))
selected-menu-item (logand #x0000FFFF selection))
(unless (eq selected-menu-item 0)
(when (pop-up-menu-auto-update-default menu)
(setf (pop-up-menu-default-item selected-menu) selected-menu-item))
(menu-item-action #| replace menu by selected-menu #|
(nth (- selected-menu-item 1) (menu-items selected-menu)))))