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AI Conference "Call for Papers"
- To: info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
- Subject: AI Conference "Call for Papers"
- From: kford@trivia.coginst.uwf.edu
- Date: Mon, 7 Sep 92 09:00:08 PDT
Ft. Lauderdale, FL. April 18-21, 1993
Call for Papers
The Sixth Annual Florida AI Research Symposium seeks high quality
international submissions in all areas of AI. We are especially
interested in papers describing knowledge-based approaches to the
construction of intelligent systems. We construe a system to be
"knowledge-based" when its behavior depends largely on accessed
or encoded information. The symposium will strive for a balance
between theory and practice. All accepted papers will appear in
the conference proceedings. Selected papers will appear in a
post-proceedings volume published by JAI Press. In addition, a
small number of papers will be selected for revision and
publication in a special issue of the "International Journal of
Expert Systems: Research and Applications".
Submission of Papers
Authors must submit 6 copies of an extended abstract of 1200 to
1600 words. Include a single copy of a cover page containing the
author's name(s), address, phone number, affiliation, paper
title, and topic area. In case of multiple authors, all
correspondence will be sent to the first author unless otherwise
requested. The abstract must be placed on a separate page(s)
from the cover page and must include the paper title and topic
area. The abstract page(s) should NOT identify the author or
affiliation in any manner.
Abstracts must be RECEIVED by September 28, 1992. Abstracts
received after this date will NOT be considered. The Program
Committee's decisions will be mailed in late November of 1992.
Authors of accepted papers will be expected to submit their final
camera-ready copy of their full papers by February 1, 1993.
Final papers must consist of at most 5 galley pages
(approximately 10 double spaced pages). A reduced registration
rate will be provided to all authors.
For information concerning submissions or to submit an abstract
Dr. Douglas D. Dankel II
FLAIRS-93, Program Committee Chair
E301 CSE, C.I.S.
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
(904) 392-1387 or ddd@cis.ufl.edu
(904) 392-1220 (FAX)
General Chair:
Dr. Fred Hoffman
FLAIRS-93, General Chair
Department of Mathematics
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL 33431
(407) 367-3345 or hoffman@acc.fau.edu
(407) 367-2745 (FAX)
Program Committee:
J. Adams-Webber Brock University
J. Bradshaw Boeing Computer Services
D. Cook University of Texas, Arlington
V. Dahl Simon Fraser University
E. Dietrich SUNY Binghamton
M. Fishman Eckerd College
K. Ford University of West Florida
J. Glasgow Queen's University
A. Gonzalez University of Central Florida
S. Goodwin University of Regina
T. Gruber Stanford University
L. Hall University of South Florida
P. Hayes Stanford University
M. Harandi Univ. of Il., Urbana-Champaign
R. Hewett Florida Atlantic University
M. Huhns MCC
A. Kandel University of South Florida
J. Kelly Martin Marietta
U. Khan U.S. Department of the Treasury
H. Kyburg University of Rochester
D. Leake Indiana University
R. Morris Florida Institute of Technology
T. Nutter V.P.I.
F. Petry Tulane University
J. Schlossberg Lockheed AI Center
D. Schwartz Florida State University
E. Simoudis Lockheed AI Center
J. Tenenberg Indiana University, South Bend
S. Walczak University of Tampa
J. Wertheimer M.I.T.
B. Wielinga University of Amsterdam
R. Yager Iona College
L. Zadeh UC Berkeley
N. Zlatareva Central Connecticut State Univ.