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HELP! Need info on Raridus Rocket + MCL 2.0 !!!


	I have a MAC IIcx with 20M memory and Mac Common Lisp 2.0. My 
concern is whether Rocket 33Mhz supports MCL 2.0 well or not. 

	Recently I've seen several news about system crashing after running 
MCL 2.0 on rocket installed system. However, I didn't see any corresponding 
article which explains why the system crash happens. So if there is anyone
who knows why or any other information on this matter, please send me
e-mail or respond this article. Thanks a LOT!!!!!!

 Dongil Shin              INTERNET:  dshin@eecs.wsu.edu
 Elect Eng. & Comp. Sci.  UUCP    :  ...uunet!eecs.wsu.edu!dshin
 Washington State Univ.   VOICE   :  509-335-1190 (Office)
 Pullman, WA. 99164-2752  OFFICE  :  Sloan 341