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symbol-complete update
- To: info-macl@cambridge.apple.com
- Subject: symbol-complete update
- From: Repenning Alexander <ralex@tigger.cs.colorado.edu>
- Date: Sun, 15 Nov 92 18:11:27 MST
I've just uploaded a new version of symbol-complete to cambridge.apple.com
Symbol-complete is a FRED extension that allows you to complete
symbols in FRED buffers as well as dialogs based on the FRED mixin.
That is, if you only remember a fragment of a symbol while you type
simply invoke symbol-complete. The completer will either fill in the
rest of the symbol if only one existing symbol matches or it will
present a menu of choices.
The update is only minor and consists of improved keyword handling. Since
symbol-completion is quite small I attach it to the end of this file.
looking forward for new suggestions, Alex Repenning
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ symbol-complete.lisp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
;;; -*- package: ccl -*-
;* *
;* PACKAGE :ccl *
;* *
;* Author: Alex Repenning, ralex@cs.colorado.edu *
;* Copyright (c) 1992 Alex Repenning *
;* *
;* Address: Computer Science Department *
;* University of Colorado at Boulder *
;* Boulder, CO 80309-0430 *
;* *
;* Filename : symbol-complete.lisp *
;* Last Update : 9/5/92 *
;* Version : *
;* 1.0 07/24/90 Alex Repenning *
;* 1.1 04/13/91 Alex & Brigham Bell completion works also *
;* if cursor in the middle of symbol. *
;* 2.0 1/ 6/92 Alex, MCL 2.0 *
;* 2.0.1 3/31/92 left trim "#'", "#`", "#", "'", "`" *
;* 2.0.2 8/25/92 Preserve package qualifier. *
;* System : Macintosh II, MCL 2.0 *
;* Abstract : A simple line completion mechanism. *
;* Features: *
;* - Simple one key operation: Since most users do not like to *
;* remember many different completion functions, this *
;* completion package combines several completion *
;* strategies into one function (using a cascading filter *
;* scheme). *
;* 1) prefix search in window package *
;* 2) prefix search in all packages *
;* 3) substring search in window package *
;* 4) substring search in all packages *
;* If no symbol is found the next strategy is employed. *
;* If only one symbol is found it will be used as *
;* completion. *
;* If multiple symbols are found then either the symbol *
;* is completed as far as possible or a menu is offered. *
;* - Partial Completion (sounds like a contradiction): *
;* If at any stage in the search there is more than one *
;* interned symbol matching what you typed so far and if *
;* the common prefix of these symbols is longer than what *
;* is typed so far you will get this common prefix. *
;* - Preserves Case: The completion will assume the same case *
;* of the string typed so far (lower case, upper case, or *
;* capitalized), *
;* e.g., "*Apple-" gets completed to "*Apple-Menu*" *
;* - Works also with Dialog Boxes *
;* - It's Small: more comments than code ;-) *
;* Bugs, Problems: Haven't found a good strategy yet to deal with *
;* package prefixes of partial completions: *
;* - use partial completion only if all symbol from same *
;* package? *
;* - strip package prefix? *
;* Any ideas? *
;* Completion can be slow in very crowded packages (e.g., :ccl) *
;* Acknowledgements: *
;* Guillaume Cartier (cartier@mipsmath.math.uqam.ca) *
;* preserve keyword qualifier in partial completion *
;* *
(in-package :ccl)
(defvar *Maximum-Pop-up-Size* 100
"if the number of matches exceeds this number then warn user")
; high-level completion functions |
(defmethod COMPLETE-SYMBOL ((Self fred-mixin)) "
in: Self {fred-mixin}.
Try to complete the selected symbol using a decreasingly constraining
search through existing (interened) symbols."
(let ((*Package* (or (window-package Self) *Package*)))
(multiple-value-bind (String Start End Package Package-Qualifier)
(selected-symbol-string Self)
(when String
(search-for-matching-symbols Self (string-upcase String) Package)
(defmethod SELECTED-SYMBOL-STRING ((Self fred-mixin)) "
in: Self {fred-mixin}.
out: String {string} or nil, Start {position}, End {position}, Package {string}.
Return the selected symbol (the one highlighted or just being to the
left of the insertion marker."
(let ((Mark (fred-buffer Self)))
(multiple-value-bind (Start End) (buffer-current-sexp-bounds Mark)
(when Start
(let* ((Start (case (buffer-char Mark Start)
(if (< (1+ Start) End)
(case (buffer-char Mark (1+ Start))
((#\' #\`) (+ Start 2))
(t (1+ Start)))
(1+ Start)))
((#\' #\` #\,) (1+ Start))
(t Start)))
(String (buffer-substring Mark End Start)))
(string->name String)
(package-name (gracefully-find-package
(or (string->package String)
(window-package Self)
(string->package-qualifier String)))))))
(defmethod CHOOSE-ONE-SYMBOL-NAME ((Self fred-mixin) String Symbols Package-Qualifier) "
in: Self {fred-mixin}, String {string}, Symbols {list of: {symbol}},
Package-Qualifier {string}.
out: Name {string}.
Pick a symbol close to <String> using the following strategy:
|<Symbols>| = 0 -> <String>
|<Symbols>| = 1 -> (first <Symbols>)
|<Symbols>| > 1 and |common-prefix| = 0 -> user-choice
|<Symbols>| > 1 and |common-prefix| > 0 -> common-prefix."
(case (length Symbols)
(0 (format (view-mini-buffer Self) "no matches") String)
(1 (prin1-to-string (first Symbols)))
(t (multiple-value-bind (Prefix Common-Package)
(common-symbol-name-prefix Symbols)
(if (> (length Prefix) (length String))
(if (and Common-Package
(equal (string->package Package-Qualifier)
(package-name Common-Package)))
(concatenate 'string Package-Qualifier Prefix)
((<= (length Symbols) *Maximum-Pop-Up-Size*)
(prin1-to-string (first (select-item-from-list
:window-title "select completion"
:table-print-function #'prin1))))
(format (view-mini-buffer Self) "too many matches: ~A" (length Symbols))
in: Symbols {list of: {symbol}}.
out: Prefix {string} or nil, Common-Package {package}."
(let ((First-String (symbol-name (first Symbols))))
(with-output-to-string (S)
(block done
(dotimes (I (length First-String))
(let ((Char (char First-String I)))
(dolist (String (mapcar #'symbol-name (rest Symbols)) (princ Char S))
(when (or (> I (length String)) (char/= (char String I) Char))
(return-from done nil)))))))
(let* ((Packages (mapcar #'symbol-package Symbols))
(Package (first Packages)))
(when (every #'(lambda (P) (eq P Package)) Packages) Package)))))
(defmethod SEARCH-FOR-MATCHING-SYMBOLS ((Self fred-mixin) String Package) "
in: Self {fred-mixin}, String {string}, Package {string}.
out: Matches {list of: {symbol}}. "
; 1) search prefix, same package
(let ((MB (view-mini-buffer Self)))
(format MB ".")
(mini-buffer-update Self)
(let* ((Local-Symbols (apropos-list String Package))
(Symbols (matching-prefix-symbols String Local-Symbols)))
(if Symbols
; 2) search prefix, all packages
(format MB ".")
(mini-buffer-update Self)
(let* ((Global-Symbols (apropos-list String))
(Symbols (matching-prefix-symbols String Global-Symbols)))
(if Symbols
; 3) search substring, same package
(format MB ".")
(mini-buffer-update Self)
(if Local-Symbols
; 4) return any match: substring in all packages
(format MB ".")
(mini-buffer-update Self)
(defun MATCHING-PREFIX-SYMBOLS (String Symbols) "
in: String {string}, Symbols {list of: {symbol}}.
out: Symbols {list of: {symbol}}.
Return only the symbols of which <String> is a prefix."
(let ((L (length String)))
#'(lambda (Symbol) (string= String (symbol-name Symbol) :end1 L :end2 L))
; low-level functions |
(defmethod BUFFER-REPLACE-STRING ((Self fred-mixin) Start End String &optional Old-String) "
in: Self {fred-mixin}, Start End {position}, String {string},
&optional Old-String {string}.
Delete the buffer content between <Start> and <End>, insert
<String> and place insertion marker to <End> position."
(let ((Mark (fred-buffer Self)))
(buffer-delete Mark Start End)
(if Old-String
(case (string-format Old-String)
(:upper (string-upcase String))
(:lower (string-downcase String))
(:capital (string-capitalize String)))
(defun STRING-FORMAT (String) "
in: String {string}.
out: Capitalization {keyword} :upper, :lower :capital.
Return the capitalization status of a string"
(case (length String)
(0 :lower)
(1 (if (lower-case-p (char String 0)) :lower :upper))
(t (if (char= (char String 0) #\*)
(string-format (subseq String 1))
(if (upper-case-p (char String 0))
(if (upper-case-p (char String 1))
in: Package {string}.
out: Package {string}.
If FIND-PACKAGE doesn't find <Package> then prompt the user for an
(or (find-package Package)
(first (select-item-from-list
(mapcar #'package-name (list-all-packages))
:window-title "Select an existing Package")))))
(defun STRING->PACKAGE (String) "
in: String {string}. out: Package {string} or nil.
Return package prefix of string (if any)"
(let ((P (position #\: String)))
(when P
(if (zerop P)
(string-upcase (subseq String 0 P))))))
(defun STRING->NAME (String) "
in: String {string}. out: Name {string}.
Return <string> without a package prefix."
(let ((P (position #\: String)))
(if P
(string-left-trim ":" (subseq String P))
in: String {string}.
out: Package-Qualifer {string}. "
(let ((P (position #\: String)))
(when P
(if (zerop P)
(if (and (< P (1- (length String))) (char= (char String (1+ P)) #\:))
(subseq String 0 (+ P 2))
(subseq String 0 (+ P 1)))))))
#| unused so far
in: Package {package}.
out: Name {string}.
Return the package name or if there are any nicknames
return the shortest nickname."
(let ((Nicknames (package-nicknames Package)))
(if Nicknames
(let ((Shortest-Name (first Nicknames)))
(dolist (Name (rest Nicknames))
(when (< (length Name) (length Shortest-Name))
(setq Shortest-Name Name)))
(package-name Package))))
(package-name-or-nickname :common-lisp-user) => "CL-USER"
; keyboard bindings |
;this overwrites the set-mark EMACS command
(comtab-set-key *Comtab* '(:control #\space) 'complete-symbol)
#| stuff:
(common-symbol-name-prefix '(bla-lkfdflkdf blappppppp bla)) -> "BLA"
(common-symbol-name-prefix (apropos-list "WITH-OP")) -> "WITH-OPEN-"
(string->package "dsdsd") -> nil
(string->package "ccl::gc") -> "CCL"
(string->package ":rest") -> "KEYWORD"