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Re: Changing scroller size

>        How can I change the size of a scroller *after* it has been created?
>        I think what I want is something _like_ setting the field-size - but you
>can only do this when you create the scroller!
>Explanation:  I'm creating a scrolling-window, which creates a scroller to
>be scrolled (!).  I'm then placing a whole bunch of
>static-text-dialog-items inside (ie as subviews of) the scroller.  When I
>create the scroller, I don't know how much room the
>static-text-dialog-items are going to take up - hence I can't tell the
>scroller at creation time.  (Make sense?)

The field-size is only one way to specify the limits for the scroll
bars. It is used as one of the inputs to the default scroll-bar-limits
method (in "ccl:library;scrollers.lisp"). You can either change the
field size with (setf (slot-value scroller 'field-size) ...) or
by writing a scroll-bar-limits method. The example at the end of
"ccl:library;scrollers.lisp" shows a scroll-bar-limits method.
You might also need to explicitly call update-scroll-bar-limits.