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Re: hilighting views

        Reply to:   RE>hilighting views
Nichole Pinkard wrote

> Hello,
> I am trying to emulate the hilight word action that takes place in  a
> text editor with  subviews of a window.  I want to be able to click on
> a view and drag the mouse and have every subview that the mouse  goes over
> hilighted. Does anyone have any suggestion on how this can be done.
> pinkard@ils.nwu.edu

This might give her a quick start

;;; highlighting views

;;; Research Institute for Knowlegde Systems
;;; Maastricht, The Netherlands
;;; Andre Koehorst
;;; August 10, 1993

;;; Usual disclaimers apply to using this code

(defclass drawing-board (window)
"The class of windows that we draw in")

(defclass highlightable-view (view)
   (highlightp :initarg :highlightp :initform nil :accessor highlightp
   "t if highllighted, false if not")
"The views that can be highlighted")

(defmethod view-draw-contents ((view highlightable-view))
  "A method to draw a highlightable-view either highlighted or not"
  (let ((down-right (subtract-points (view-size view) #@(1 1)))
        (left-up #@(1 1)))
    (if (highlightp view)
      (paint-rect view left-up down-right)
        (erase-rect view left-up down-right)
        (frame-rect view left-up down-right)

(defmethod highlight ((view highlightable-view))
  "Method to highlight a view"
  (with-slots (highlightp) view
    (unless highlightp
      (setf highlightp t)
      (invalidate-view view)
      (view-draw-contents view))))

(defmethod delight ((view highlightable-view))
  "Method to un-highlight a view"
  (with-slots (highlightp) view
    (when highlightp
      (setf highlightp nil)
      (invalidate-view view)
      (view-draw-contents view))))

(defmethod view-click-event-handler ((view drawing-board) where)
  "Highlights the clicked view, delights the others (unless the option key is
  (let ((clicked-sub (find-clicked-subview view where)))
    (do-subviews (sub view)
      (if (eq sub clicked-sub)
        (highlight sub)
        (unless (option-key-p)
          (delight sub))))))

(defmethod view-mouse-enter-event-handler ((view highlightable-view))
  "Highlights a view when the mouse enters and the mouse button is down"
  (when (mouse-down-p)
    (highlight view)))

(setq sub1 
      (make-instance 'highlightable-view
        :view-position #@(10 10)
        :view-size #@(50 50)
(setq sub2 
      (make-instance 'highlightable-view
        :view-position #@(70 80)
        :view-size #@(50 50)

(setq sub3
      (make-instance 'highlightable-view
        :view-position #@(80 90)
        :view-size #@(50 50)

(setq sub4 
      (make-instance 'highlightable-view
        :view-position #@(10 80)
        :view-size #@(50 50)

(setq win 
      (make-instance 'drawing-board
        :window-title "Drawing Board"
        :view-subviews (list sub1 sub2 sub3 sub4)))
