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Re: Packages
- To: robby+@CMU.EDU
- Subject: Re: Packages
- From: "Mark A. Tapia" <markt@dgp.toronto.edu>
- Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1993 10:41:19 -0400
- Cc: info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
On Mon Oct 4, Robert Bruce Findler asks how to associate a package
with a fred window that contains the following code at the beginning:
(in-package "CL-USER")
(defpackage "CLOADER" (:use "COMMON-LISP")
(:export *file-table* *root*
*verbose* initialize-file-table))
(in-package "CLOADER")
He wants the package cloader to be associated with the window.
Removing the in-package statement generates the error
> Error: Package CLOADER does not exist
> While executing: BUFFER-FIRST-IN-PACKAGE
> Type Command-/ to continue, Command-. to abort.
> If continued: Forms will be read in the package bound to *package*
See the Restarts menu item for further choices.
The simplest way is to define the package
outside the file and then include only the in-package cloader statement
in the fred window. To avoid the pproblem you must define the
package before you edit the window, otherwise the current package
(*package*) is bound to the undefined package.
For example, you can either define the package in the listener or
load its definition from a file. Guillame Cartier's extended apropos
system and Michael Engber's oodles-of-utils use file method.