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Re: Automatic headers in fred

At 11:06 AM 11/9/93 -0500, David Chinn wrote:
>Does anybody have or know of code to put automatic headers into fred
>files, and to update them (for instance changed date) on open or save.
>In emacs there are a few such systems (eg headers.el).
>On a similar note, are there other repositories of fred add-ins other
>than cambridge.apple.com ?
>Many thanks
>David Chinn

I have developed such a system which I am now in the final process of debugging. It does not yet have the automatic "date" feature you ask for, but I intend to put that in. Currently it creates "file" headers and "definition" headers (including internal documentation strings and definition names/types). I was going to post this later in the week after I have the time to fix one last bug with the internal doc strings. I will send you a copy asap, and post to the archive site at the same time. Here are examples of what the code does.

Place the cursor anywhere inside this method and hit a key combination to insert the header on top of the definition and the internal doc string (without the details so far).
;;; Author      : Brent Reeves (with modifications by Curt)
;;; Date        : 9/28/93
;;; Abstract    : Insert an internal dcumentation string in the current
;;;             : definition.
(defmethod INSERT-DOCUMENTATION-STRING ((w fred-window))
  "  in: w {fred-window}
effects: puts cool comment header like this one in the definition
  (let* ((cursor-mark (fred-buffer w)) ...

Here is what a file header might look like (the actual format is completely customizable).

;;; -*- mode:lisp; Package:cl-user; -*-
;;; Title       : Comment Headers
;;; Author      : Curt Stevens
;;; Copyright   : 1993 University of Colorado at Boulder, All Rights Reserved
;;; Availability: public domain
;;; Address     : University of Colorado at Boulder
;;;             : Computer Science Department
;;;             : ECOT 7-7, Engineering Center
;;;             : Boulder,Colorado 80309
;;;             : stevens@cs.colorado.edu
;;; Filename    : Comment-Headers.lisp
;;; Version     : 1.0b
;;; Abstract    : A set of fred extensions that automatically create file and
;;;             : function/method... headers. The key mappings are set at the
;;;             : bottom of the file. In addition to adding headers, you can
;;;             : automatically add lines (with the current date) to the
;;;             : history field of the file header. This header and the ones
;;;             : above definitions in this file were created with these
;;;             : extensions.
;;;             :
;;;             : The default key mappings are:
;;;             : <meta>-h                 insert header above this definition
;;;             : <cntl>-<meta>-h          insert def header with internal doc string
;;;             : <cntl>-<meta>-<shift>-h  insert file header at top of file
;;;             : <cntl>-<meta>-u          update the history field of the file header
;;;             :
;;;             : <cntl>-c                 insert internal documentation string
;;;             :
;;;             : <meta>-o                 insert an empty comment line
;;;             :                          (Like the empty lines here, it is used to
;;;             :                          facilitate manually extending headers.)
;;;             :
;;;             : These extensions were inspired by a similar set that were
;;;             : developed by Dave Wrobleski for the Symbolics environment.
;;; History     :
;;;             : 10/4/93 Curt Stevens
;;;             :         added class test to each function to stop headers from
;;;             :         being accidentally generated in listener windows
;;;             :
;;;             : 9/27/93 Curt Stevens
;;;             :         fixed the following bugs...
;;;             :         - Blows up if you try definition header with the cursor
;;;             :           being after the last character in the buffer.
;;;             :         - Blows up placing definition header in empty buffer.
;;;             :
;;;             : 9/15/93 Curt Stevens
;;;             :         initial version 1.0 alpha release
;;; Bugs        : You tell me :->. Send bugs to address above.
;;;             : - Blows up if you try definition header before you have the
;;;             :   definition finished up through the arguments.
;;; Todo        : + Dialog interface for setting options.
;;;             : + Implement the "update history field" feature.
;;;             : + Get default author name from "sharing setup" control panel?

|Curt Stevens|