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MCL 2.0.1 Release Notes

I have made the MCL 2.0.1 Release notes available for anonymous
FTP from cambridge.apple.com in the file:


This file contains important information about MCL 2.0.1. In particular,
if you supply a custom toplevel function via %set-toplevel or the
:toplevel-function keyword to save-application, 2.0.1 will disable
AppleEvents processing at startup until you execute (startup-finished).

These release notes document MCL 2.0.1 as created from the auto-install
process in the archive:


For a short time there was an earlier 2.0.1 version on the FTP server.
If you built your 2.0.1 "by hand", I strongly suggest that you download
this archive and follow the instructions in its "*README*" file. The
archive does NOT contain the release notes file.