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Re: picking up mouse-drag events
- To: chrispi@merle.acns.nwu.edu
- Subject: Re: picking up mouse-drag events
- From: "Mark A. Tapia" <markt@dgp.toronto.edu>
- Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1993 11:47:36 -0500
- Cc: info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
On Friday Nov 12, christian e. crone writes:
are there variables that holds the beginning and current position of a drag
event (for example, as in selecting a group of objects)? it seems like
*mouse-view*, etc. are bound to the click-down point.
is there a method which handles such "selections" (which can be specialized)?
if i were to try to make my own multi-view selection routine, where would it
best fit?
The code from Michael S. Engber (available by anonymous ftp from
cambridge.apple.com in the oodles-of-utils contains an example of a draggable
view in the file /oodles-of-utiles/mixin-madness/simple-view-mixins/
draggable-svm.lisp. This code restrains the rectangle for dragging the view.
Examples use the code to create draggable and droppable views.
There used to be code in the examples folder to create a mondrian crawing
(of overlapping squares).
Here's code that creates a grey drag rectangle within a window. I've
also included code for handling a scrolling window.
(in-package ccl)
;; define a new class of views, called a drag view. The drag view-allows the
;; user to sweep out a rectangle within the view. When the view is a
;; the rectangle is confined to the scrolling area.
;; For drag-views, the drag-end-action slot is a either nil or it is a function
;; of the form (drag-end-action top-left bottom-right) where the points
;; define the boundary of the rectangle swept out. You can use the
;; to record the top left and bottom right regions of the rectangle.
(require 'scrolling-windows "ccl:examples;scrolling-windows")
(require 'quickdraw)
;; QuickDraw-u.lisp
;; Copyright 1991 Northwestern University Institute for the Learning Sciences
;; All Rights Reserved
;; author: Michael S. Engber
;; utilities for quickdraw
(defmacro with-pen-state ((&key pnLoc pnSize pnMode pnPat pnPixPat) &body body)
(let ((state (gensym)))
`(rlet ((,state :PenState))
(require-trap #_GetPenState :ptr ,state)
,@(when pnLoc `((require-trap #_MoveTo :long ,pnLoc)))
,@(when pnSize `((require-trap #_PenSize :long ,pnSize)))
,@(when pnMode `((require-trap #_PenMode :signed-integer ,pnMode)))
,@(when pnPat `((require-trap #_PenPat :ptr ,pnPat)))
,@(when pnPixPat `((require-trap #_PenPixPat :ptr ,pnPixPat)))
(require-trap #_SetPenState :ptr ,state)))))
;;; end of extract from quickdraw-u
(defclass drag-view (view)
((dragging :initform nil)
(drag-end-action :initarg :drag-end-action)))
(defclass dragger-window (drag-view window) ())
(defclass drag-scroller (drag-view scroller) ())
(defclass scroll-dragger-window (scrolling-window drag-view)
:scroller-class 'drag-scroller))
(defmethod track-drag-view ((view drag-view) where)
(when (mouse-down-p)
(with-focused-view view
(if (double-click-p)
(track-and-hilite view where)))
(defmethod drag-corners ((self view))
(view-corners self))
(defmethod drag-corners ((self scrolling-window))
(drag-corners (my-scroller self)))
(defmethod track-and-hilite ((view drag-view) start-point)
;; Draws a grey outline around the rectangle with the top left and
;; bottom right corners at start-point and the current point
;; continue until the mouse botton is released.
;; constrain-point1 ensures that point remains inside the drag rectangle.
(multiple-value-bind (topLeft bottomRight)
(drag-corners view)
(rlet ((drag-rect :rect)
(r :rect :topLeft start-point :bottomRight start-point))
(points-to-rect topLeft bottomRight drag-rect)
(let* ((last-point (constrain-point1 drag-rect start-point nil))
(point last-point)
(corner-point last-point))
(with-pen-state (:pnMode #$patxor :pnpat *gray-pattern*)
(loop with continue = t
unless (require-trap #_WaitMouseUp)
do (setq continue nil)
while continue
finally (when last-point
(require-trap #_frameRect r)
;(require-trap #_invertRect r)
do (setq point (mouse-position view))
unless (equal last-point point)
do (when last-point
(setq point (constrain-point1 drag-rect point last-point))
(unless (equal point last-point)
(when last-point
(require-trap #_frameRect r))
;(require-trap #_invertRect r)
(when point
(points-to-rect corner-point point r)
(require-trap #_frameRect r))
;(require-trap #_invertRect r)
(setq last-point point))))
(drag-end-action view (rref r :rect.topLeft) (rref r :rect.bottomRight))
(defmethod drag-end-action ((view drag-view) topLeft bottomRight)
(if (and (slot-exists-p view 'drag-end-action)
(slot-boundp view 'drag-end-action))
(funcall (slot-value view 'drag-end-action) topLeft bottomRight)
(values topLeft bottomRight)))
(defmethod mouse-position ((self view) &optional point)
;; returns either point or the current view mouse position in view coordinates
(or point (view-mouse-position self)))
(defmethod constrain-point ((view drag-view) point last-point)
(multiple-value-bind (topLeft bottomRight)
(drag-corners view)
(let* ((top (point-v topLeft))
(bottom (point-v bottomRight))
(left (point-h topLeft))
(right (point-h bottomRight))
(h (point-h point))
(v (point-v point))
(real-h h)
(real-v v)
(last-h (point-h last-point))
(last-v (point-v last-point)))
(cond ((< v top) (setq real-v top))
((> v bottom) (setq real-v bottom)))
(cond ((< h left) (setq real-h left))
((> h right) (setq real-h right)))
(cond ((and (= h real-h) (= v real-v)) point)
((and (= real-h last-h) (= real-v last-v)) last-point)
(t (make-point real-h real-v))))))
(defun constrain-point1 (drag-rect point last-point)
(let* ((topLeft (rref drag-rect :rect.topLeft))
(bottomRight (rref drag-rect :rect.bottomRight))
(top (point-v topLeft))
(bottom (point-v bottomRight))
(left (point-h topLeft))
(right (point-h bottomRight))
(h (point-h point))
(v (point-v point))
(real-h h)
(real-v v)
(last-h (when last-point
(point-h last-point)))
(last-v (when last-point
(point-v last-point))))
(cond ((< v top) (setq real-v top))
((> v bottom) (setq real-v bottom)))
(cond ((< h left) (setq real-h left))
((> h right) (setq real-h right)))
(cond ((and (= h real-h) (= v real-v)) point)
((null last-point) (make-point real-h real-v))
((and (= real-h last-h) (= real-v last-v)) last-point)
(t (make-point real-h real-v)))))
(defmethod within-active-area ((self view) where)
(declare (ignore where))
(defmethod within-active-area ((self scroller) where)
(multiple-value-bind (top-left bottom-right)
(drag-corners self)
(declare (ignore top-left))
(and (< (point-h where) (point-h bottom-right))
(< (point-v where) (point-v bottom-right)))))
(defmethod within-active-area ((window scrolling-window) where)
(within-active-area (my-scroller window) where))
(defmethod view-click-event-handler ((view drag-view) where)
(if (and (within-active-area view where)
(or (not (slot-boundp view 'dragging))
(null (slot-value view 'dragging))))
(track-drag-view view where)
(defmethod view-click-event-handler ((scrolling-window drag-view) where)
(unless (with-slots (my-scroller) scrolling-window
(view-click-event-handler my-scroller where)))
(defmethod view-click-event-handler ((scroller drag-scroller) where)
(if (within-active-area scroller where)
(track-drag-view scroller where)
(defun echo-points (top-left bottom-right)
(declare (ignore view))
(print-db (point-string top-left)
(point-string bottom-right)))
(setq that (make-instance 'dragger-window
:window-title "Drag Window"
:drag-end-action #'echo-points))
(window-close that)
(setq that (make-instance 'scroll-dragger-window
:window-title "Scroll Drag"
:drag-end-action #'echo-points))
(window-close that)