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Re: Spreadsheet-like editor?

In article <93Dec6.105428est.144002@explorer.dgp.toronto.edu>, markt@dgp.toronto.edu ("Mark A. Tapia") writes...
>On Friday 03 DEC, Peter Szolovits writes:
>   Someone somewhere must surely have written some code they would like to share
>   that displays a table of values and allows the user to select individual table
>   entries and edit them in-place.  I looked on the CD-ROM but could not find one.

Hello Peter!

I started such a beast.  This is very unfinished, it uses a fixed size
array and does not handle things like arrow keys and such but it has
some minimal spreadsheet functionality.  You can reference a cell
using the form (cell x y) or (rcell dx dy) for a relative reference.

Here is the code:
;;; Spreadsheet.lisp

Purpose ========================================================

Status =========================================================

Change history =================================================
16-Oct-93 cre	Created.


(in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")

(defvar *spreadsheet-data*)
(defvar *cell-x*)
(defvar *cell-y*)

(defclass formula ()
    :initarg :owner
    :reader owner)
    :initform 0
    :accessor formula)
    :initform 0
    :accessor value)
    :initform nil
    :accessor cell-error)
    :initform nil
    :accessor cell-format)
    :initarg :cell-x
    :reader cell-x)
    :initarg :cell-y
    :reader cell-y)))

#|(defun make-zero-array (width height)
  (make-array (list width height) :initial-element 0))|#

(defun make-empty-spreadsheet (width height)
  (let ((data (make-array (list width height))))
    (loop for i from 0 below width
          do (loop for j from 0 below height
                   do (setf (aref data i j)
                            (make-instance 'formula 
                              :cell-x i
                              :cell-y j))))

(defclass spreadsheet-dialog-item (SEQUENCE-DIALOG-ITEM)
    :CELL-SIZE #@(75 16)
    :view-nick-name :worksheet
    :SELECTION-TYPE :contiguous
    :table-print-function 'table-print-cell

(defmethod view-click-event-handler :after ((self spreadsheet-dialog-item)
  (let ((c (point-to-cell self where)))
    (unless (null c)
      (open-cell (view-container self) (point-h c) (point-v c)))))

(defmethod cell-contents ((self spreadsheet-dialog-item) x &optional y)
  (let ((window (view-container self)))
    (let ((array (formulas window)))
      (let ((cell (if (null y)
                    (aref array (point-h x) (point-v x))
                    (aref array x y))))

(defclass spreadsheet-window (dialog)
    :accessor show-formulas
    :initform nil)
    :reader formulas
    :initform #|(make-empty-spreadsheet 25 16)|#
    (make-array (list 25 16)))
    :accessor attached-windows
    :initform nil)
    :VIEW-SIZE #@(600 400)
    :VIEW-FONT '("Chicago" 12 :SRCOR :PLAIN)
                  #@(370 6) #@(62 16) "Open"
                  'open-cell-fn :DEFAULT-BUTTON NIL)
           #@(370 35) #@(60 16)
           "Enter" 'spreadsheet-enter-fn
           :view-nick-name :enter
           :DEFAULT-BUTTON T)
           #@(440 35) #@(60 16)
           "Cancel" 'spreadsheet-cancel-fn
           :view-nick-name :cancel)
           #@(140 5) #@(80 16)
           #'(lambda (item)
               (let ((window (view-container item)))
                 (setf (show-formulas window) t)
                 (redraw window)))
           #@(230 5) #@(80 16)
           #'(lambda (item)
               (let ((window (view-container item)))
                 (setf (show-formulas window) nil)
                 (redraw window)))
           :RADIO-BUTTON-CLUSTER :SHOW)                                  
           #@(80 35) #@(280 16)
           "0" NIL
           :view-nick-name :entry)
                            #@(2 35) #@(75 16) "" NIL
                            :view-nick-name :cell-label)
           #@(0 60) #@(600 340)
           "" NIL
           :CELL-SIZE #@(75 16)
           :view-nick-name :worksheet

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self spreadsheet-window) &key)
  (let ((formulas (formulas self)))
    (let ((dimensions (array-dimensions formulas)))
      (dotimes (i (first dimensions))
        (dotimes (j (second dimensions))
          (let ((value (aref formulas i j)))
            (when value
              (setf (slot-value value 'owner) self)))))
      (set-table-dimensions (view-named :worksheet self) 
                            (first dimensions) (second dimensions)))))

(defmethod window-close :before ((self spreadsheet-window))
  (dolist (window (attached-windows self))
    (window-close window)))

(defmethod recalculate ((self spreadsheet-window) 
                          &optional (start-x 0) (start-y 0))
  (let ((formulas (formulas self))
        (table (view-named :worksheet self)))
    (let ((size (array-dimensions formulas)))
      (let ((*cell-x* nil)
            (*cell-y* nil)
            (*spreadsheet-data* formulas))
        (loop for x from start-x below (first size)
              do (setq *cell-x* x)
              do (loop for y from start-y below (second size)
                       for cell = (aref formulas x y)
                       do (setq *cell-y* y)
                       do (when cell
                              (value error)
                              (ignore-errors (eval (formula cell)))
                              (cond ((null error) 
                                     (setf (cell-error cell) nil)
                                     (setf (value cell) value))
                                    (t (setf (value cell) error)
                                       (setf (cell-error cell) t))))
                            (redraw-cell table x y))))))))

(defmethod redraw ((self spreadsheet-window) 
                    &optional (start-x 0) (start-y 0))
  (let ((size (array-dimensions (formulas self)))
        (table (view-named :worksheet self)))
    (loop for x from start-x below (first size)
          do (setq *cell-x* x)
          do (loop for y from start-y below (second size)
                   do (redraw-cell table x y)))))

(defun table-print-cell (cell stream)
  (when (and cell (slot-boundp cell 'owner))
    (let ((window (owner cell)))
      (cond ((show-formulas window)
             (write (formula cell) :stream stream))
            ((cell-format cell)
             (format stream (cell-format cell) (value cell)))
            (t (write (value cell) :stream stream)))))) 

(defun ensure-cell-exists (window x y)
  (let ((formulas (formulas window)))
    (when (null (aref formulas x y))
      (setf (aref formulas x y) 
            (make-instance 'formula
                           :owner window
                           :cell-x x
                           :cell-y y)))))

(defun open-cell (window x y)
  (let ((entry (view-named :entry window))
        (label (view-named :cell-label window)))
    (let ((formulas (formulas window)))
      (let ((value (aref formulas x y)))
        (if (null value)
          (set-dialog-item-text entry "")
          (set-dialog-item-text entry (format nil "~s" (formula value))))
        (select-all entry)
         (format nil "c[~a,~a]" x y))))))

(defun open-cell-fn (item)
  (let ((window (view-container item)))
    (let ((entry (view-named :entry window)))
      (let ((select (first (selected-cells (view-named :worksheet window)))))
        (when select
          (let ((x (point-h select))
                (y (point-v select)))
            (ensure-cell-exists window x y)
             (aref (formulas window) x y)))

(defun parse-spreadsheet-formula (text)
  (if (every #'whitespacep text)
    (read-from-string text
                      nil :error)))

(defun spreadsheet-enter-fn (item)
  (let ((window (view-container item)))
    (let ((entry (view-named :entry window)))
      ;; We should parse the form specially here.
      (let ((form (parse-spreadsheet-formula 
                   (dialog-item-text entry)))
            (formulas (formulas window)))
        (cond ((eq form :error) (ccl::beep))
              (t (dolist (pt (selected-cells 
                              (view-named :worksheet window)))
                   (let ((x (point-h pt))
                         (y (point-v pt)))
                     (ensure-cell-exists window x y)
                     (setf (formula (aref formulas x y)) form)))
                 (set-dialog-item-text entry "")
                 (recalculate window)

(defun spreadsheet-cancel-fn (item)
  (let ((window (view-container item)))
    (let ((entry (view-named :entry window))
          (enter (view-named :enter window)))
      (set-dialog-item-text entry "")
      ;(dialog-item-disable enter)
      ;(dialog-item-disable item)      

(defun make-spreadsheet ()
  (make-instance 'spreadsheet-window
    :window-title "Spreadsheet"))

(defun cell (x y)
  (let ((dimensions (array-dimensions *spreadsheet-data*)))
    (cond ((or (< x 0) (< y 0))
           (error "Illegal Cell Reference"))
          ((or (> x (first dimensions)) (> y (second dimensions))) 
           (error "Illegal Cell Reference"))
          ((null (aref *spreadsheet-data* x y))
           ;; default non-existent cell value.
          (t (value (aref *spreadsheet-data* x y))))))

(defun rcell (dx dy)
  (cell (+ dx *cell-x*) (+ dy *cell-y*)))

;;; Cell Editor ;;;

(defclass cell-editor-dialog (dialog)
    :initarg :editing-cell
    :reader editing-cell))
    :WINDOW-TITLE "Cell Editor"
    :VIEW-SIZE #@(374 280)
    :VIEW-FONT '("Chicago" 12 :SRCOR :PLAIN)
           #@(5 10) #@(224 95) 
           :view-nick-name :formula
           :ALLOW-RETURNS t)
          (MAKE-DIALOG-ITEM 'BUTTON-DIALOG-ITEM #@(284 251) #@(62 16)
                            "OK" 'cell-editor-ok-fn 
                            :DEFAULT-BUTTON T)
                            #@(196 250) #@(62 16)
                            :DEFAULT-BUTTON NIL)
           #@(241 8) #@(132 99) "" 'NIL
           :CELL-SIZE #@(116 16)
           :TABLE-VSCROLLP T
           :TABLE-SEQUENCE '("~s" "~2,2d"))
                            #@(3 119) #@(228 18) 
                            "0" 'NIL
                            :view-nick-name :value)

(defun string-left-trim-white (string)

(defun make-cell-editor (cell)
  (let ((dialog (make-instance 'cell-editor-dialog
                  :editing-cell cell)))
     (view-named :formula dialog)
      (with-output-to-string (stream)
        (pprint (formula cell) stream))))
     (view-named :value dialog)
      (with-output-to-string (stream)
        (pprint (value cell) stream))))
    (select-all (view-named :formula dialog))
    (push dialog (attached-windows (owner cell)))

(defun cell-editor-close (dialog)
  (let ((sheet (owner (editing-cell dialog))))
    (setf (attached-windows sheet)
          (delete dialog (attached-windows sheet))))
  (window-close dialog))  

(defun cell-editor-cancel-fn (item)
  (cell-editor-close (view-container item)))

(defun cell-editor-ok-fn (item)
  (let ((window (view-container item)))
    (let ((cell (editing-cell window))
            (dialog-item-text (view-named :formula window)))))
      (setf (formula cell) form)
      (recalculate (owner cell) (cell-x cell) (cell-y cell))
      (cell-editor-close window))))


(defun make-check-dialog ()
    #@(39 53)
    #@(471 239)
    '("Chicago" 12 :SRCOR :PLAIN)
           #@(0 -1)
           #@(471 96)
           #@(455 16)
           '(0 1 2))
           #@(280 109)
           #@(50 14)
           #@(148 110)
           #@(67 13)
           #@(71 143)
           #@(252 14)
           #@(11 138)
           #@(56 22)
           "Pay to the order of"
           '("Chicago" 9 :SRCOR :PLAIN))
           #@(362 142)
           #@(71 14)
          (MAKE-DIALOG-ITEM 'STATIC-TEXT-DIALOG-ITEM #@(344 142) #@(11 16) "$"
           #@(70 168)
           #@(260 16)
           "Ninety nine and no/100"
           #@(72 196)
           #@(253 14)
           #@(30 197)
           #@(34 14)
           '("Chicago" 9 :SRCOR :PLAIN))
           #@(236 111)
           #@(41 15)
           '("Chicago" 9 :SRCOR :PLAIN)))))