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RESULT: comp.std.lisp passes 142:14, comp.org.lisp-users passes 148:13

Lisp groups results - 165 valid votes

 Yes   No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
 142   14 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.std.lisp (moderated)
 148   13 :  Yes   Yes :   Yes : comp.org.lisp-users
   3 invalid votes

Newsgroups lines:
comp.org.lisp-users	Association of Lisp Users related discussions.
comp.std.lisp		User group (ALU) supported standards. (Moderated)

moderator:		Brad Miller <miller@cs.rochester.edu>
submission address:	lisp-standards@cs.rochester.edu

This vote was being conducted by a neutral third party.  All questions
regarding voting and procedure or reports of problems should be mailed
to Jan Isley <jan@bagend.atl.ga.us>.

Jan has had some problems on his end with getting the results out.  He
sent me the raw results files and I've created this results posting.

All questions regarding the proposed new groups should be mailed to
the proposer, Brad Miller <miller@cs.rochester.edu>.

All questions regarding the comp.org.lisp-users to ALU mailing list
gateway to Charles Fry <chucko@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov>.


Discussion of general topics relevant to the Association of Lisp Users
(ALU) (including Lisp Vendors), in particular centered on membership
issues, future conferences, publications, and Lisp advocacy issues.
Overlap with comp.lang.lisp.*, and other groups this message is cross-
posted to should be minimal, as this is NOT intended to be a technical,
but an organizational group. The ALU mailing list will be bidirectionally
gatewayed into this newsgroup.

Participation will not be limited to current ALU members.

comp.std.lisp (moderated)
This moderated group is intended to foster focused discussion on
user-group supported standards that are beyond the scope of more
formal standards e.g.  that are not addressed in the (almost final)
ANSI Common Lisp. It will be moderated for appropriateness to the
group and timeliness, and not for technical content; the moderator
will periodically post the status of all ALU standard proposals,
open and close discussions on new standards, and call for specific
technical experts to take charge of each standard (for surveying
existing practice, proposing, incorporating changes, and wording
the final version).  The moderator will be reponsible for recording
all finalized standards for the ALU, assigning identifiers and sub-
mitting copies to all interested vendors. The initial intent is to
give feedback to the several LISP vendors for inter-vendor compatible
support of various features that have developed too late to be included
in the work of ANSI committee X3J13, such as (but not limited to)
DEFSYSTEM, Foreign Function Interface, and Multiprocessing.

Participation will not be limited to current ALU members.

Moderator:           Brad Miller <miller@cs.rochester.edu>
Submission address:  lisp-standards@cs.rochester.edu

comp.*.lisp groups Final Vote Ack

                                                     comp.org.lisp-users ----+
                                                           comp.std.lisp ---+|
0005963128@mcimail.com                                      Mahmoud Habboub YY
abramson@verdi.sra.com                                      Myriam Abramson YY
alb@ipvaim.unipv.it                                            Alberto Riva YY
anderson@titanic.cs.umass.edu                             Scott D. Anderson YY
andrewa@harlequin.co.uk                                    Andrew Armstrong YY
andyl@harlequin.com                                              Andy Latto YY
andys@harlequin.com                                              Andy Sizer YY
aragones@crd.GE.COM                                            Jim Aragones YY
augras@nanterre.maraut.it                                   Philippe Augras YY
ault@cs.albany.edu                                               James Ault YY
banda@marlin.arc.nasa.gov                                     Carolyn Banda YY
barmar@Think.COM                                             Barry Margolin YY
benningf@aur.alcatel.com                      Robert Floyd Benningfield Jr. NN
bh@anarres.CS.Berkeley.EDU                                     Brian Harvey YN
bill@fcca.csi.com                                             Bill McDonald YY
bill@proton.uucp                                        William R. McDonald YY
binford@flamingo.Stanford.EDU                                   Tom Binford YY
bj@herbison.com                                               B.J. Herbison YY
bob@remlap.UUCP                                                  Bob Palmer YY
boyland@CS.Berkeley.EDU                                   John Tang Boyland -Y
brooksb@verdi.sra.com                                           Bill Brooks NY
buff@cc.gatech.edu                                       Richard Billington YY
cerys@BBN.COM                                                  Daniel Cerys YY
ch@lks.csi.com                                           Christopher Hoover YY
charest@underdog.jpl.nasa.gov                                   Len Charest YY
chin@uhics.ics.Hawaii.Edu                                     David N. Chin YY
chucko@freud.arc.nasa.gov                                         Chuck Fry YY
cline@usceast.cs.scarolina.edu                                 Ernest Cline N-
coulman@cs.Usask.ca                                           Randy Coulman YY
cracauer@wavehh.hanse.de                                    Martin Cracauer YY
dashiell@inference.com                                        Fred Dashiell YY
davew@advtech.uswest.com                                   David Wroblewski -Y
davida@pinus.slu.se                                            David Axmark YY
davis@DRI.cornell.edu                                        James R. Davis YY
delatizk@BBN.COM                                         Jonathan Delatizky YY
delisio@tc.pw.com                                              Jeff DeLisio YY
demme@hobbs.intel.com                                            David Emme YY
dga@netcom.com                                                Dennis Allard YY
DHARPER@ESOC.BITNET                                            David Harper NN
Didier.Guillon@imag.fr                                       Didier Guillon YY
dmurphy@cwa.com                                                  Dan Murphy YY
dorai@owlnet.rice.edu                                         Dorai Sitaram YY
dp@harlequin.com                                              Jeff Del Papa YY
drayer@minerva.cis.yale.edu                                  Rebecca Drayer NN
duff@mitre.org                                                David A. Duff YY
DUMOULIN@TITAN.KSC.NASA.GOV                                    Jim Dumoulin YY
dwd@king.att.com                                           David W. Dykstra YY
eric@starbase.mitre.org                                   Eric Lee Peterson YY
Eric_Weaver@avtc.sel.sony.com                                   Eric Weaver Y-
franconi@irst.it                                            Enrico Franconi YY
friedman@cs.umass.edu                                     M. Timur Friedman YY
frs@cdr.oz.au                                                 Frank R Smith YY
fsspr@aurora.alaska.edu                                        Sean P. Ryan NN
gadbois@cs.utexas.edu                                         David Gadbois YY
gallagher@cs.umass.edu                                      Kevin Gallagher YY
georg@marie.physik.tu-berlin.de                               Georg Schwarz NN
Gilles.Serasset@imag.fr                                     Gilles Serasset YY
gjc@mitec2.mitech.com                                       George Carrette YY
gls@Think.COM                                                    Guy Steele YY
Guy@AVON.sltd.dialnet.symbolics.com                            Guy Footring YY
gwydion@gnu.ai.mit.edu                                     Basalat Ali Raja YY
haible@ma2s2.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de                       Bruno Haible NN
hall@aplcenmp.apl.jhu.edu                                        Marty Hall YY
hdp@NMSU.Edu                                            Heather D. Pfeiffer YY
hucke@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu                                           Matt Hucke YY
hutch@redrock.com                                             Bob Hutchison YY
ida@ai.mit.edu                                                 Masayuki Ida YY
irist@engin.umich.edu                                     Iris D. Tommelein YY
james@unidata.com                                              James Powell YY
jbleier@gemstone.amd.com                                      Joshua Bleier YY
jecollins@mmm.com                                              John Collins YY
jeff@aiai.edinburgh.ac.uk                                       Jeff Dalton YY
jem@edsr                                                 John E. Mendenhall -Y
Jerry.Wilcox@ucop.edu                                          Jerry Wilcox YY
jh@gensym.com                                               John Hodgkinson YY
jmeehan@mv.us.adobe.com                                          Jim Meehan YY
john@mitre.org                                                  John Burger YY
jpf@wstar.mil.wi.us                                        John P. Flanagan YY
jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk                                            John Fitch -N
jrm@globalvillag.com                                     John MacWilliamson NN
jwk@srs.gov                                                    John Krieger YY
kab@cambridge.apple.com                                         Kim Barrett -Y
kanef@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov                                     Bob Kanefsky YY
keunen@montefiore.ulg.ac.be                                  Vincent Keunen YY
kevin@umunhum.stanford.edu                                    Kevin W. Rudd YY
kma@samson.cadr.amis.com                                     Mark Alexander YY
krausep@verdi.sra.com                                           Paul Krause YY
ksiezyk@mcc.com                                              Tomasz Ksiezyk YY
kthompso@muir.arc.nasa.gov                                   Kevin Thompson YY
laubsch@hpljl.hpl.hp.com                                 Joachim H. Laubsch YY
lgm@iexist.att.com                                        Lawrence G. Mayka YY
loatman_bruce@po.gis.prc.com                                  Bruce Loatman YY
lynch@ils.nwu.edu                                             Richard Lynch YY
magnus@aaii.oz.au                                          Magnus Ljungberg YY
maida@cacs.usl.edu                                               Tony Maida YY
marcoxa@mosaic.nyu.edu                                     Marco Antoniotti YY
markf@harlequin.com                                           Mark Friedman YY
mathieu.lafourcade@imag.fr                               Mathieu Lafourcade YY
matomira@di.epfl.ch                                   Fernando D. Mato Mira YY
mbobak@silibio.ncsa.uiuc.edu                                  Michael Bobak YY
mendall@stc.lockheed.com                              Albert P. Mendall Jr. YY
miller@cam.nist.gov                                            Bruce Miller YY
miller@cs.rochester.edu                                         Brad Miller YY
miller@stsci.edu                                               Glenn Miller YY
miner@tc.pw.com                                            Stephen E. Miner YY
mlh@jekyll.al.alcoa.com                                   Michael L. Harper YY
mly@adoc.xerox.com                                         Richard Mlynarik YY
mmt@RedBrick.COM                                              Maxime Taksar --
morse@rap.ucar.EDU                                            Corinne Morse YY
mthome@BBN.COM                                                Michael Thome YY
mullarke@ann-arbor.applicon.slb.com                         Peter Mullarkey YY
oe@dfki.uni-sb.de                                             Stephan Oepen YY
oneel@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov                                     Bruce O'Neel YY
pao@ai.mit.edu                                         Patrick A. O'Donnell YY
paolo@idsia.ch                                               Paolo Cattaneo YY
pekka@harlequin.co.uk                                      Pekka P. Pirinen -Y
perez@hal.cs.uiuc.edu                                         Eduardo Perez YY
peter@ggt.gsi.com                                               Peter Denno YY
pgxavie@isrc.sandia.gov                                   Patrick G. Xavier YY
pjg@sunbim.be                                          Pierre-Joseph GAILLY YY
pkarp@ai.sri.com                                                 Peter Karp YY
pl0176@psilink.com                                            Harold Ancell YY
pole@potomac.ads.com                                               Tom Pole YY
ppyiajc@ppn3.physics.nottingham.ac.uk                            Andy Cross NN
price@usc.edu                                                   Keith Price YY
quinn@phoenix.princeton.edu                                   Michael Quinn YY
quiroz@cs.rochester.edu                                        Cesar Quiroz YY
r2mka@dax.cc.uakron.edu                                        Mark Allgood YY
rainer@ki6.informatik.uni-hamburg.de                          Rainer Joswig YY
ramshaw@linc.cis.upenn.edu                                 Lance A. Ramshaw YY
rar@csl.sri.com                                       R. A. Riemenschneider YY
rdp@netcom.com                                           Robert D. Pfeiffer YY
reti@cambridge.apple.com                                        Kalman Reti YY
revu@midway.uchicago.edu                                   Sendhil Revuluri YN
richard@bnr.ca                                                Dick Peacocke --
rick@bcm.tmc.edu                                             Richard Miller NY
rsmith@cfr32.cfr.nist.gov                                  Richard L. Smith YY
S.J.Nuttall@open.ac.uk                                       Richard Barber YY
samp@kurz-ai.com                                                 Sam Pilato YY
sb.ddreams@mindlink.bc.ca                                       Scott Busse YY
schulenb@aero.org                                         David Schulenburg YY
shahid@hplmsm.hpl.hp.com                                     Shahid Mujtaba YY
shane@spr.com                                                 Shane Hartman NY
shrdlu@willow.sdd.trw.com                                     Lynda L. True YY
silbert@NADC.NADC.NAVY.MIL                                     Mark Silbert NY
simon@lia.di.epfl.ch                                           Simon Leinen YY
smarry@io.org                                                  Smarasderagd NN
stephen.nicoud@boeing.com                                  Stephen L Nicoud YY
sto@cs.hut.fi                                                   Seppo Torma YY
stu@valinor.mythical.com                                       Stu Labovitz YN
SWM@STONY-BROOK.SCRC.Symbolics.COM                              Scott McKay YY
tar@ISI.EDU                                                     Thomas Russ -Y
taylor@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov                                     Will Taylor YY
Thomas_E_Morgan@cup.portal.com                             Thomas E. Morgan YY
tka@dpe.fi                                                     Tapio Karras YY
tmgeisle@faui80.informatik.uni-erlangen.de                      Tim Geisler YY
toad@cs.cmu.edu                                               Todd Kaufmann YY
vittorio@Ipchost.irmkant.rm.cnr.it                        Vittorio Giannini YY
waterman@lug.cs.brandeis.edu                                  T.S. Waterman YY
wheeler@ipl.rpi.edu                                       Frederick Wheeler YY
xerox@cs.vu.nl                                   Jude Arnout "Biep" Durieux YY
yadallee@galcon.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca                          Dave Yadallee YY
yduj@harlequin.co.uk                                          Judy Anderson YY
yonkman@meg.saic.com                                            Tom Yonkman YY
york@parc.xerox.com                                         William M. York YY

Votes in error
   ! No name given
dufourd@elec.enst.fr                                                JC Dufourd
   ! No votes
HYDE@Exploder                     Clint Hyde -- Master of the ad hoc odd hack.
   ! No ballot