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Re: CLOS and C++

See also, "Advanced C++ -- Programming Styles and Idioms"
by James O. Coplien (Addison-Wesley, 1992)
ISBN: 0-201-54855-0 (paper, lists for $36.75).

For example, his Chapter 9 is concerned with attempting
to build, on top of C++, automatic memory management and
extended polymorphism.  This book is not easy going unless
you are already familiar with C++, but it does offer an
interesting and sophisticated approach to programming
paradigms and practical strategies. It does speak about
other languages and development systems at various points,
which is the point/quest of this thread.

I'm a Lisper, not a C++er, so my recommendation is not
based on a deep understanding of C++.

Prof. Robert P. Futrelle  |  Biological Knowledge Laboratory
                          |  College of Computer Science  161CN
Office: (617)-373-2076    |  Northeastern University
Fax:    (617)-373-5121    |  360 Huntington Ave.
futrelle@ccs.neu.edu      |  Boston, MA 02115

Prof. Robert P. Futrelle | Biological Knowledge Lab, College of CS
Office: (617)-373-2076   | Northeastern University, 161CN
Fax:    (617)-373-5121   | 360 Huntington Ave.
futrelle@ccs.neu.edu     | Boston, MA 02115