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I was attempting to define methods for the generic function
slot-unbound in different packages for different classes of
objects.  MCL 2.0.1 seems only to recognize the method defined
on STANDARD-OBJECT. Am I overlooking something? 

Thanks, Sheldon

(in-package :user)

(defpackage small-package (:use "COMMON-LISP"))

(defmethod slot-unbound ((class STANDARD-OBJECT) instance slot-name)
  (declare (ignore slot-name))
  (declare (ignore instance))

(in-package :small-package)

(defclass small-object ()
  ((slot-1 :initarg :slot-1 :accessor slot-1)
   (slot-2 :initarg :slot-2 :accessor slot-2)))

(defmethod slot-unbound ((class small-object) instance slot-name)
  (declare (ignore slot-name))
  (declare (ignore instance))

;;Check value of unbound slot

(slot-1 (make-instance 'small-object))

(eq (slot-1 (make-instance 'small-object)) 'user::unbound)
;;==> T

(eq (slot-1 (make-instance 'small-object)) 'small-package::unbound)
;;==> NIL