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Problem with #_SetSpeechRate

We are having trouble with changing parameters in the Speech Manager.
Particularly, we tried

  #_SetSpeechRate (%get-ptr channel) n)

(where 'n' is any integer).  Regardless of the value of n (we used
180, for example), it would say that the rate was set to 40.  We saw
this by doing 

  (rlet ((rate :SpeechRate))  ;; This is really :FIXED

    (#_GetSpeechRate (%get-ptr channel) rate)
    (print (%get-word rate)))

Does anyone know how to set the speech rate (and pitch, actually)?
When we tried to use a record in place of the integer for
setspeechrate, it complained that the type was wrong (it was not a

Any help would be appreciated!

(Jonathan Kaye - kaye@linc.cis.upenn.edu - http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~kaye)