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Given a pict that was formed with, say:

;untested code...
(#_OpenPict ...)
(#_PenSize 5 5)
(#_PenMode #$srcOr)
(rlet ((rect :topleft #@(10 10) :botright #@(50 50)))
  (#_FrameRect rect))
(setq pict (#_ClosePict))

I need a function that will return non-NIL for those pixels actually
covered by the rectangle, but NIL for those points inside the rectangle.

ie, (point-in-pict-p pict #@(12 12)) --> T [or any non-NIL]
    (point-in-pict-p pict #@(24 24)) --> NIL

Is there some easy way to do this?

-- "TANSTAAFL"  Rich lynch@ils.nwu.edu