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Re: AppleGuide and MCL

In article <ojN5Zzq00Uh_I21kxa@andrew.cmu.edu>, Steven Ritter
<sr0o+@andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:

> All of which makes me think that I'd have better luck using object
> coachmarks, but in order to do that, I need interfaces for the
> AppleGuide API. Do these exist?
> If you haven't used it, AppleGuide is really cool and would be a great
> addition to lots of MCL apps.

I agree, AppleGuide is very well done and I'd like to see interfaces to
it.  It's too bad all the time that was spend on Balloon Help wasn't
invested in something like AppleGuide instead....or at least on protected
memory ;-).  

On a related note, does anybody know if there are interfaces to Quickdraw
GX?  I asked this once before and don't remember seeing any responses.

Michael Korcuska
Institute for the Learning Sciences
Northwestern University