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Re: A Dylan implemented on Common Lisp
In article <garges-1403951719060001@garges.ucsc.edu>,
Kenneth Garges <garges@cats.ucsc.edu> wrote:
>In article <3k53lf$h25@news.cs.brandeis.edu>, zippy@cs.brandeis.edu
>(Patrick Tufts) wrote:
>> creedy@mitre.org (Chris Reedy) writes:
>> >I think the ability of Dylan to deliver "Hello World" [...] in an
>> >image that takes less than, say, half a MB [would be a good thing].
>> This, in a few words, is what is wrong with compilers today.
>Apple was showing off Dylan at the MacWorld Expo last Jan. One of the
>things they demonstrated was "Hello World" in a window.
>The stand alone application was 58k.
These demos are on develop CD #21.
The 'hello' application is 56K on disk, it has to load the Dylan
framework which is 524K, the main Dylan library 465K, the mac toolbox library
which is 57K. Time from double clicking the hello application on the hard
disk (I copied it all to the HD from the CD before running it) until 'Hello,
Dylan!' appears is 22 seconds on a PowerMac 8100/80. When looking at
'About this Macintosh' in the Finder it reveals that 'hello' is running
in a 2000K partition which is about 75% full.
The README states that all this will be improved upon, so who knows what
will be.
--- james mccartney