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I am using MCL with many C functions.

When I load the C functions (ff-load) this error message appears:

> Error: Offset #x-F492 too large to fit in a word
> While executing: CCL::ADD-REF

is It possible to solve this error ? How ?

Please, send me the sugestions directly. Thanks,


 _/ _/ _/_|   Josep Lluis Arcos
 / _/ _/ _|   Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial, IIIA
  _/ _/___|   Spanish Scientific Research Council, CSIC
 _/ _/____|   Campus Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
 / _/    _|   08193 Bellaterra, Catalunya, Spain
              Ph.: +34 3 5809570         Fax.: +34 3 5809661
              arcos@iiia.csic.es         http://www.iiia.csic.es