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Re: drag & drop w/in same view


Dan Camper's drag and drop file is most effectively used when you want to
take advantage of the drag manager which allows you to drag data between
consenting applications (including the Finder in the form of a clippings
file).  THis allows you to take a text file icon from the finder and plop
it into a fred window and have the text be drawn.  D&D also allows you to
specify "drag flavors" and have the drag receiver act appropriate to the
presented flavor.  It's a really powerful system.  As you can see from
Dan's work, there is a lot of overhead to doing this (both cognitive and
computational) but that overhead is more than outweighed by the benefits.

If you are just concerned with dragging and dropping within a view then
Mark's suggestions and utilities should do nicely.  Additionally, look at
Oliver Steele's contrib called drag & drop (OWS's utilities on the cd or
the ftp site).  Oliver has implemented D&D for dropping text in FRED

Tom Bonura

Advanced Technology Group
Apple Computer, Inc.