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Re: catch-cancel

In article <korcuska-3005951056520001@korcuska.ils.nwu.edu>,
korcuska@ils.nwu.edu (Michael Korcuska) wrote:

> Just following up to my own message.  Here's some code that illustrates
> the problem.  Just change *tag* to something other than :cancel and the
> code works.  Any comments?
[code deleted]

An even shorter version of the problem:

? (throw :bongo "This should be in error.")
> Error: Can't throw to tag :BONGO .
> While executing: #<Anonymous Function #xAE02AE>

? (throw :cancel "This should be in error.")

Will Fitzgerald  708.491.3500 (voice), 708.491.5258 (fax)
Institute for the Learning Sciences, Northwestern University
1890 Maple Ave. Evanston IL, 60201