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Re- Scroller's thumbs probl
- Subject: Re- Scroller's thumbs probl
- From: "SHELDON SHEN" <sheldon_shen@isd.Jpl.Nasa.Gov>
- Date: 26 May 1993 10:38:43 U
Re: Scroller's thumbs problem
Mark Tapia wrote:
>The following code works correctly and is simpler:
>(require 'scrolling-window "Examples:scrolling-window")
>(setq *w* (make-instance 'ccl::scrolling-window
> :view-size #@(200 200)
> ))
>;(set-view-size *w* 400 400)
>;(set-view-size *w* 100 100)
The scroller I used must be one of the subviews in a dialog. Therefore, it's
screen size is fixed.
But the scrollable size can be changed at run time, depending on the user's
clicking on the
contents of the scroller. (For example, a tree initially displays only 20
After some clickings, it explodes to 1000 nodes. Clicking also allows to
reduce to 1 node, too.)
Scrolling-window, therefore, is not quite I want.
> (require 'scrollers)
> (defclass myscroller (ccl::scroller)
> ((limits :initform (cons nil nil)
> :reader scroll-bar-limits-slot)))
>(defmethod view-click-event-handler ((self myscroller) where)
> (declare (ignore where))
> (print (point-string (make-point (scroll-bar-max (ccl::h-scroller self))
> (scroll-bar-max (ccl::v-scroller self)))))
> (call-next-method))
>(setq *w* (make-instance 'window
> :view-size #@(200 200)
> ))
>(setq *myscroller*
> (make-instance 'myscroller
> :view-container *w*
> :track-thumb-p t
> :view-size #@(184 184)
> :view-position #@(0 0)
> ))
>(defmethod scroll-bar-limits ((self myscroller))
> (let ((limits (scroll-bar-limits-slot self))
> (size (view-size self)))
> (values
> (or (car limits) (point-h size))
> (or (cdr limits) (point-v size)))))
>(defmethod resize ((self myscroller) x y)
> (let ((limits (scroll-bar-limits-slot self)))
> (setf (car limits) (make-point 0 x))
> (setf (cdr limits) (make-point 0 y)))
> (update-scroll-bar-limits self)
;;;; Question: should update-scroll-bar-limit be scroll-bar-limits??
(resize *myscroller* 400 400)
I am not sure if Bill St. Clair's code works because if you click inside the
it always reports #@(184 184), not #@(400 400).
I tried to add
(setf (scroll-bar-max (ccl::h-scroller self)) x)
(setf (scroll-bar-max (ccl::v-scroller self)) y)
to the resize method.
Now, Clicking initially shows #@(400 400).
But moving the thumb away and back to 0, the scroll-bar-max is 184 again.
I said I am not sure because I did not know how scroll-bar-limits works.
Particularly, what's the relationship between scroll-bar-limits and
Setting scroll-bar-limits does not seem to set scroll-bar-max.
Sheldon Shen