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status of *print-readably*

In MCL2.0 (*new-lisp-patch-version* nil and *lisp-compiler-version* 666
if that matters ...)

CLTL 2nd edition says (p. 851) that X3J13 voted in June 1989 <40> to
require all
methods for print-object to obey *print-readably*. However ...

  ? (defstruct foo fie fum)
  ? (defvar x (make-foo))
  ? (print x)
  #<FOO #xFD18D1> 
  #<FOO #xFD18D1>
  ? (let ((*print-readably* t)) (print x))
  > Error: Attempt to print object #<FOO #xFD18D1> on stream
#<CCL::XP-STREAM #xFD1F19> .
  > While executing: CCL::PRINT-NOT-READABLE-ERROR
  > Type Command-. to abort.
  See the RestartsI menu item for further choices.
  1 > 

(print-object was on the stack backtrace.) What's up? (This works in Lucid.) 
Thanks ...

 Dan Suthers            | LRDC, room 505A
 suthers+@pitt.edu      | 3939 O'Hara Street
 (412) 624-7036 office  | University of Pittsburgh
 (412) 624-9149 fax     | Pittsburgh, PA 15260