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Re: Lisp Conference Announcement

   Name: Philip H. Chu
   Address: 1900 Thames St. Apt. 322, Baltimore MD 21231
   Telephone: (410) 276-4630
   Email: pchu@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu

   I would like to become a member of ALU - send membership form.	____X__
   I would like to submit a paper - send call for papers. 		______
   I would like to attend LUV-93 - send registration form. 	___X___
   I would need hotel accomodations.				___X___
   I am interested in student housing.				______

   I would like to attend the following 4 tutorials, if offered:
   ____	01) CLOS: Object-Oriented Programming in Lisp
   ____	02) Adv. CLOS: Implementations, the AMOP, and more
   ____	03) CLIM: Developing Portable User Interfaces	
   ____	04) Good Lisp Programming Style
   ____	05) Performance Optimization
   ____	06) Porting Lisp code
   ____	07) Closures, Continuations, and Coroutines
   ____	08) Metaprogramming Lisp using Macros
   ____	09) Interfacing to SQL
   ____	10) AutoLisp Programming for AutoCAD
   ____	11) GNU Emacs Lisp Programming
   ____	12) Lisp programming for Interleaf
   ____	13) Common Lisp for Scheme Programmers	
   ____	14) Scheme for Common Lisp Programmers

   I would like to hear discussions on the following topics OR from the
   following persons: