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- To: eak at MIT-MC, lisp-forum at MIT-MC
- Subject: Re: DEFINEM
- From: Guy.Steele at CMU-10A
- Date: Wed ,22 Oct 80 11:32:00 EDT
- Cc: gjs at MIT-AI
Date: 21 October 1980 19:46-EDT
From: Earl A. Killian <EAK at MIT-MC>
Subject: LABELS, GOSUB (yech), etc.
Is there any problem in defining the following in SCHEME?
(DEFINEM external-list
(F1 (LAMBDA ...))
(F2 (LAMBDA ...))
where F1, F2, ... are defined and closed together a la LABELS,
and the definitions of those functions that are also on
<external-list> are defined (like DEFINE) in the environment
containing the DEFINEM.
(COND ((NULL X) '())
(T (NREVERSE1 X '())))))
The DEFINEM acts as a sort of module definition, which only
exports certain functions. Sometimes this would be clearer than
using a LABELS, especially when you have several co-equal-recursive
functions, only a few of which want to be externally visible.
Also, this should give you the efficiency of block-compiling in
My first idea about defining this with LABELS was to do something
but its not clear this wouldn't choke the compiler. Note that
while this is an upward funarg, the environment is constant, and
so should compile out.
That's about the best I can think of. Unfortunately, all the
LAMBDA-games to avoid variable clashes without GENSYMs break
down somewhat in the face of ASET', for some reason. I tried
to write a version that avoided calling LIST and couldn't. SCHEME
is certainly not the answer to all the world's problems. You might
be amused by this solution, however, which makes use of an extension
inspired by a paper by Klaus Berkling on something he calls
"lambda-bar" calculus. Let "-LAMBDA" be an environmental operator
which has the same syntax as LAMBDA, but has the effect of *cancelling*
one outer LAMBDA contour for those variables. (Therefore it is illegal to
mention a variable in a -LAMBDA expression unless it is bound in some
uncancelled surrounding LAMBDA expression.) It does not evaluate to a
function; it just evaluates its body. This is not too hard to add
to the SCHEME interpreter--you just add the variable "bindings" to
the environment with a "cancel" marker (like an "unbound" marker) as the
value, and when you encounter such a marker on lookup, you just keep
looking up, balancing cancels and real values like parentheses. The
compiler has no problem--it is all resolvable lexically. It is purely
a scoping operator, with no run-time overhead when compiled. So:
`(ASET' ,E ,X))))
This uses GENSYM-NOT-IN, which generates a symbol not among those
in its argument list. This makes me a little more comfortable than
plain old GENSYM, since it *guarantees* the absence of variable name
Or, if you assume that (ASET (-LAMBDA (X) 'X) Y) works (actually, it
couldn't, but some appropriate syntax could be found), you can simplify
this to:
,@(DOLIST (E ELIST) `(ASET (-LAMBDA (,E) ',E) ,E))))
Also, it seems like it might be a win for DEFINE to define the
function in an environment with the function name bound to the
function. Then a recursive call to the function could jump/call
to the subroutine itself, rather than indirecting through the
function name's value cell.
Actually, I believe that the SCHEME-78 chip actually did leave the function
in the environment, so that this sort of trick could be pulled--see the
AI Memo on that subject. One problem, of course, is that it defeats
the TRACE package, which is the usual problem with "block compilers".