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Re: Request for comments (not about characters and fixnums!)

(Some of you have seen this before; apologies.)

UNWIND-PROTECT allows you to make sure certain actions (such as the
closing of a file) happen when a scope is exited regardless of whether
that scope is exited in the normal flow of control, by *THROW, or by
^G quit.  However, it requires that the expressions specifying the
actions be written directly in the UNWIND-PROTECT form; it does not
directly support figuring out "on the fly" what cleanup actions will
need to be performed.  For example, suppose you want the following
particular organization of code:

   (defun F (x y)
	(open-a-bunch-of-files x (f y))
	... )

Suppose further that the number of files opened and the location where the
file objects are kept is dependent on various parameters and cannot be
known when F is written.  IOTA and PHI cannot be used in that case, yet
some form of UNWIND-PROTECT is desirable to keep the files from remaining
open in the event of a QUIT.

Consider also another example.  Suppose you want to explicitly
indicate in the file itself that a certain file is always to be read
using a particular reader syntax.  It is tempting to write at the
beginning of the file some expression that will set up the reader
syntax (perhaps by loading a file where it is defined) and write at
the end of the file some expression that will undo the changes since
they were intended to be local.  Again, though, some form of
UNWIND-PROTECT is necessary if you are to insure that the changes
are local even in the event of a QUIT during loading.

As a final example, consider the following command loop:

   (defun command-loop ()
     (loop as cmd = (read-a-command)
	   until cmd = 'STOP
	   do (funcall (get cmd 'command-server))))

Suppose you want it to be possible for the command servers to perform
arbitrary actions, but with the assurance that (if the servers so
request) various cleanup actions will be done whenever COMMAND-LOOP
is exited by any means.

I would like to propose a set of functions and forms, implemented with
UNWIND-PROTECT, that allow you to handle cases like the above.  This
message is a request for comments on the general idea and the particular
conventions proposed.

   (UNWINDING-SCOPE form1 ... formn)			MACRO
	evaluates the forms and returns the last one, allowing calls
	to QUEUE-UNWINDING-ACTION while dynamically within that
	evaluation.  Expands to an UNWIND-PROTECT surrounded
	by a lambda-binding of a specvar used as a queue.  The
	restoration expression of the UNWIND-PROTECT takes actions from
	the queue and performs them in the order they were queued.
   (QUEUE-UNWINDING-ACTION when function ... args ...)  LSUBR
	queues the given function to be APPLY'ed to the given arguments
	if evaluation of the forms terminates either normally or
	for some other reason (throw, quit, error).  WHEN may be
	T (apply always), NORMAL (apply only if normal termination),
	or ABNORMAL (apply only if not normal termination).
	(isn't really related to the other two, but while we're on the
	subject of UNWIND-PROTECT....) is just like UNWIND-PROTECT
	but only evaluates U1 ... Un if the evaluation of E terminates

For debugging convenience QUEUE-UNWINDING-ACTION should also be legal
at top level, but print a warning if thus used.  (RESET-GLOBAL-UNWINDING-SCOPE)
or some such thing would "exit" and re-enter the fictitious global scope.

As an example, consider the following version of OPEN for use within an
unwinding scope:

   (defun UW-OPEN (file &optional (options NIL) (when T))
      (let ((file-object nil))
	   (progn (setq file-object (open file options))
		  (or (eq file-object tyi)(eq file-object tyo)
		      (queue-unwinding-action when 'close file-object)))
	   (and (filep file-object)        ; in case quit out of UW-OPEN
		(not (eq file-object tyo))
		(not (eq file-object tyi))
		(close file-object)))

One possible area for comment:  It might be useful to have named unwinding
scopes so that you need not push your restoration actions on the innermost

(Personally, I think that the system LOAD function should contain an unwinding
scope to allow files to specify local changes without requiring the user to
use some special LOAD function that the file is intended to be loaded with.
For certain reasons, if this were done it would also be good to have a
separate LOAD that did not establish a new scope.)

Comments?  Counterproposals and arguments about uselessness welcome.