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Re: &mumbles at all levels -- BIND-ARGS
- To: Alan Bawden <ALAN at MIT-MC>
- Subject: Re: &mumbles at all levels -- BIND-ARGS
- From: JonL at PARC-MAXC
- Date: Thu ,22 Apr 82 01:57:00 EDT
- In-reply-to: ALAN's message of 20 April 1982 21:27-EST
Wasn't there a lot of discussion about 6 months to a year ago about
having LET accept &mumbles "at lots of levels"? When you say
"at all levels" do you mean that BIND-ARGS will also destructure?
If progress on LET is going to be forever bogged down in the red tape,
then how about doing BIND-ARGUMENTS at least one of the two ways
proposed for destructuring (and since you are using the &optional words,
you have more-or-less selected the data-pattern format rather than the SETF