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Re: Interlisp version 27-Nov-79 requested

(I'm sending this out to everyone on InterlispSites^ since
some of the information has been slightly revised, and some of you
may not have seen this.)

I will add your name to the InterlispSites^ distribution list
for future messages about Interlisp-10 releases.

To get a current Interlisp-10:

The lisp files are stored on [parc-maxc]<netlisp>.
All files are available for FTP from PARC-MAXC, using
account ANONYMOUS password <yourname>.  The only
files you absolutely need are <NETLISP>BOOT.SAV
and <NETLISP>NETLISP.SAV (which you should install
as <LISP>BOOT.SAV and SYS:LISP.EXE respectively).

Other files of interest:

Some of these are explained as follows (excerpt from letter that
goes out with tapes):

Numbers in parenthesis denote chapters in the Interlisp Reference

Many of these files are Lisp files, i.e. they consist of sequences
of LISP expressions, and are intended to be read by the Interlisp
function LOAD, using an appropriate readtable (14). Some of the files
are .MAC files, i.e. are PDP-10 assembly language programs
intended to be assembled with the MACRO assembler. The Lisp
files all begin with an expression of the form
(FILECREATED date --), and all end with the word STOP.
Finally, there is also a .SAV file which contains a complete
core image (makesys) for the current Interlisp system. 

		internal documentation messages about changes to the
		system which have occured since the last edition
		of the manual.

<NETLISP>MESSAGE.TXT: message files about proposed Interlisp
		extensions in the future

		  PDP-10 assembly language files which implement
		  the main body of the machine dependent part of
		  Interlisp-10. All of the SUBRS, mechanism for
		  function call, the garbage collector, common
		  run-time routines used by the garbage collector,
		  handling of the spaghetti stacks, the Interlisp-10
		  code swapper are all in these files.

 FNS/VARS	This file can be used as in index for finding functions
		  on the LISP files which are part of the standard
		  released Interlisp system; it contains, for each
		  file in the standard system the value of the
		  fileCOMS and fileFNS.

 INIT.LISP	initialization file which is used here at PARC; among
		  other things, it sets up FILERDTBL to ignore
		  font control characters as described above.

		  contain the various low level, machine
		  independent, functions that are written in LISP,

 BRKDWN	implements BREAKDOWN (21).

 WTMISC	defines additional general purpose functions, such as
		  RESETSAVE, LVLPRINT,  as well as redefining some
		  of the functions in BOOTSTRAP, BASIC, and MISC. 

 ADVISE	implements the ADVISE package (section 19).

		Interlisp-10 implementation-dependent routines.

 SWAP	Interface to the Interlisp-10 code swapper. (3).

 LOADUP	contains the functions which automate the loading of a new
		  interlisp, as well as a number of low level,
		  machine dependent functions.

 DATATYPE	implements some of the functions for user datatypes
		  (section 3) and a few others (HARRAYP,
		  conversion of type names to type numbers).

 CODEFORMAT	routines which know about format of PDP-10 compiled

 COMPILE	the user interface to the Interlisp compiler, e.g. the
		  functions that compile, or recompile a file or
		  collections of files (18).

 COMP, LAP	the actual Interlisp-10 compiler, i.e. the programs that
		  given a lisp expression produce a sequence of
		  PDP-10 machine instructions (18).

 10MACROS	Interlisp-10 specific macros (18)
 MACROS	Machine independent macros (18).

 PRETTY, COMMENT the prettyprint package (14).

 EDIT, WEDIT	the Interlisp editor (9).

 BREAK	the Interlisp break package (15).

 HELPDL	contains functions that are invoked when an error occurs
		(but not the error correction machinery - see
		DWIM below), that search the stack and determine
		whether or not to go into a break, print a
		message etc. (16).

 ARITH	various arithmetic and trigonometric functions, e.g. SQRT,
		SIN (13).

 LOADFNS	implements the functions LOADFNS and its confederates,
		LOADFROM, LOADEFS etc. (14).

 FILEPKG	the Interlisp file package (14).

 HIST	contains the programmer's assistant (22).

 UNDO	functions associated with saving undo information, and
		undoing the corresponding operations (22).

		implements DWIM and CLISP (17, 23).

 CLISPIFY	contains the package that converts ordinary Interlisp
		into CLISP (23).

 RECORD	The Interlisp record package (23).

 MATCH	The pattern match compiler (23).

 FFILEPOS	implements fast file search which uses the Boyer-Moore

 MASTERSCOPE	The Masterscope system (20);

MASTERSCOPE.SYNTAX is an additional (online) documentation file.

 HELPSYS	the package that allows the user to interrogate the
		on-line Interlisp manual (section 20).

 ASSIST	contains ASKUSER, GAINSPACE & a few others.

 UTILITY	contains DIRECTORY (interface for searching file TENEX
		file system name space) and a few others (21).


 EDITA	the EDITA package (21)

The following two files are the only files which are necessary in
order to run Interlisp on a Tenex or TOPS-20.

 BOOT.SAV	This file must be on the <LISP> directory.

 LISP.SAV	File which contains the Interlisp system.

 The following files are necessary in order for HELPSYS (21) to work.

 *LISP.TTY	the Interlisp reference manual in machine readable form.

		  The HELPSYS Data base.

Installing and running Interlisp

The file LISP.SAV should be on directory <SUBSYS>. On TOPS-20
systems, it is conventional to name this file LISP.EXE. It is
probably a good idea to use the same version number as appears on
the DUMPER tape when storing this file so that it is clear which
version of Interlisp you are running. Note that if you RENAME a
LISP.SAV from one directory to another or even change version
numbers, that SYSOUT's on that LISP will become confused. Some
sites have chosen, therefore, to put the LISP.SAV on <LISP> and put
an "indirect" on <SUBSYS> which merely runs the appropriate version
of LISP.SAV. There is a program MAKE-INDIRECT.SAV which makes 
these "indirect" files.

The file BOOT.SAV must be on directory <LISP>. Should you want to
make HELPSYS available at your site, the helpsys files should be
either on the directory <HELPSYS> or on the <LISP> directory
(HELPSYS will look for them in both places). Finally, the  file
INIT.LISP is a file containing S-expressions suitable for loading
by LOAD, and, if found on the directory <LISP>, is loaded
automatically (silently) each time a user starts up a fresh
Interlisp (i.e. not when a sysout is started). The INIT.LISP file
can be used, for example, to change defaults for various Interlisp
packages to be more suitable for the particular site or user
community. For example, at PARC, we use the INIT.LISP file to
enable some font change machinery for use with our printer (and in
fact the PARC INIT.LISP file is on your tape). Note that Interlisp
will run without <LISP>INIT.LISP. Furthermore, each individual user
can also have an INIT.LISP file on his own directory to establish
his own defaults, which will be loaded after the <LISP>INIT.LISP