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When LAPRD or LCSKIP read an atom followed by a space,
and the next atm on the line is BINARY, reading is performed
by BINRD/BINSKIP. This is the normal case. If the atom is
anything else, a checkis made on the ropety list of
the atom for the property CODEREADER. If one is there,
its value is treated as a dotted pair of two functions,
the first for reading, the second for skipping, e.g.

CAR is called fro LAPRD (via apply*) giving it
the name of the copiled function being read as its first argument

(the first atom on the line). CDR is called from LCSKIP
giving it the name of the compiled function being read as its first argument
and the skip/copy flg (NIL means skip, T means copy) as its second argument.
