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     If your goal is really to give users a hint about how to structure
     their programs so that they'll be guaranteed to work in all
     implementations, saying that the compiler can assume that the code
     will be loaded into a "fresh" Lisp image does not really help in that
     direction at all.  Maybe what you really want to do is to put some
     additional restrictions on the structure of conforming programs?

Now we've worked ourselves back to my original proposal. That is, we
specify well-formed programs, and state that a well-formed program
compiled in a fresh lisp and loaded into a fresh lisp or a well-formed
program loading into a fresh lisp works according to CL semantics.
And maybe it works in a variety of dirty lisps, but we dont's have the
page real estate to talk about all the dirty things you can do to
a Lisp and still have something work.
