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It has been pointed out to me that me translation of
RPG's latest program does not preserve its semantics
quite properly because "+" and "*" are typically proclaimed
SPECIAL in Common Lisp implementations and therefore are
dynamically bound whether you like it or not.  Here is
a correct translation that avoids this problem, and I'll not
trouble you any further.


(defun f (])
 (labels (([ (])
           (cond ((zerop ]) (values 1 0))
		 ((= ] 1) (values 1 1))
		 ((evenp ])
		  (multiple-value-bind ({ })
                   ([ (/ ] 2))
		   (values (+ (* { {) (* } }))
			   (+ (* { }) (* } (- { }))))))
		  (multiple-value-bind (+ })
		   ([ (- ] 1))
		   (values (+ { }) {))))))
	 (values ([ ]))))