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A Couple of Fun Programs

    Date: 31 Mar 87  1531 PST
    From: Dick Gabriel <RPG@sail.stanford.edu>

    Now that you've seen the instructional version of the second
    puzzle function, here's the slightly bummed (15% faster) version:

And, as a further public service, here is a translation:

(defun f (*)
 (labels ((> (*)
           (cond ((zerop *) (values 1 0))
		 ((= * 1) (values 1 1))
		 ((evenp *)
		  (multiple-value-bind (+ /)
                   (> (/ * 2))
		   (values (+ (* + +) (* / /))
			   (+ (* + /) (* / (- + /))))))
		  (multiple-value-bind (+ /)
		   (> (- * 1))
		   (values (+ + /) +))))))
	 (values (> *))))
