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Re: R^3RS
From: RKIRCHNE%carleton.edu@RELAY.CS.NET
Subject: R^3RS
To: scheme@mc.lcs.mit.edu
R^3RS is also included with the documentation for TI's PC Scheme version 3.
I just upgraded to it. Also included as one of several sample files is
Kent Dybvig's extend-syntax, which is described in his book and included
as a standard feature in Chez Scheme v 2. extend-syntax is incredibly
powerful for defining special forms -- all one has to do is describe
Actually, extend-syntax is of Eugene Kohlbecker's design, and represents
part of his doctoral research here at Indiana. The implementation may
well be mine, however, as I did give one to TI along with permission to
distribute it.
Someone was looking for Scheme for a VAX. I highly recommend Chez Scheme
by Kent Dybvig (dybvig@indiana.csnet, I think) distributed by Cadence
Associates (or something like that). Academic pricing for VMS, other
versions is very reasonable. Someone with accurate info should respond.
If anyone desires information about Chez Scheme for VAX, Sun, or Apollo
computers, please send me electronic mail and I'll see that you are sent
some information (include your physical mailing address). Or contact:
Cadence Research Systems
620 Park Ridge Road
P.O. Box 5031
Bloomington, IN 47407
R. Kent Dybvig | arpa: dyb@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu
Computer Science Department | csnet: dyb@indiana
Indiana University | usenet: ...!ihnp4!iuvax!dyb
Bloomington, IN 47405 | phone: 812/335-6486