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Re: MIT C Scheme design info
The following is a list (part 2 of 2) of most Scheme files used in the
MIT C Scheme interpreter circa verson 4.1, along with a brief statement
of their function. Most of the information has been gleaned
gleaned from the short comment at the beginning of each
file. This list gives a flavor of how the interpreter is organized,
and should help new readers of the code to find their way around.
Note that much (half?) of C Scheme is written in C, and is not
listed here. The list of C files (part 1 of 2) for the microcode
interpreter was posted earlier.
I know now that the earlier posting of C files contained minor errors,
and at the very least is somewhat out of date (my version is 4.1,
vs. the current version of 6.2.0). (No doubt the same two facts will
hold for this file too, but it's a start...) Any mistakes are my own.
- Kevin Jameson, 31 March 88
FILE Brief Function
============= ==================================================
xbuild.scm build a cross syntaxer system
abuild.scm build a system for athena
ubuild.scm build a unix interface scheme system
sbuildmd.scm build a student (MIT 6.001 course) scheme system
studentmd.scm env,syntax,& read tbl mods for 6.001 students
featmd.scm std features scheme system
error.scm rep (read-eval-print) interface,error defs,definers,handlers
parse.scm scheme parser for The REP Reader (ch class tbls,macros,atoms)
print.scm The REP (read-eval-print) Printer
read.scm The REP Reader (tyi/eof/input streams,with-input-from-file)
rep.scm the read-eval-print loop,history,and history access funs
repuse.scm REP user interface (prompts, drivers, proceeds)
CROSS SYNTAXER (the byte code (scode) compiler)
syntax.scm the Cross Syntaxer (byte code (scode) generator/compiler)
scan.scm definition scanner reduces n of "real auxilary" vars in env
xconv.scm convert declarations into integrations
xpatch.scm special lambda interface
xsubst.scm integration of primitives (merger, dispatcher)
unsyn.scm unsyntaxer converts scode back to sexprs
MISC DEFINITIONS and Data Type Stuff
adapt.scm compatability defs (true/#!true,nil/'(),list*/cons*)
crock.scm defs of special obj types (state & syntax tables, type obj)
stypes.scm scode type setup (TC's: symbols,conditions,proctypes,etc)
scode.scm scode grab bag (consts,many predicates for data types)
sdata.scm abstract data field funs(ctl pts,set!s,refs,pairs,vects,etc)
types.scm abstract typing funs (supremum/infimums?,lattice theory stuff)
ustruc.scm microstruc? (follows scode abstraction in boot sequence)
utabmd.scm ucode type tables (fixed,types,returns,prims,externs,errors)
utabs.scm ucode tbl intrfc (fixed obj vec,type detection,TC,RC,TERMC..)
bitvec.scm 1 bit vector ops (cons,set,size,ref,1b? predicates)
char.scm character defs, bit tables, charscan table generator funs
equals.scm many equality funs (eqv?,equal?,etc)
explode.scm maclisp style printname utils (explode,implode,readch,ascii)
format.scm output string formatters, format dispatch table
gensym.scm uninterned symbol generator
gprims.scm global primitives list (defs funs in global env for compiler)
hash.scm object hashing, unhashing, population functions
io.scm primitive io utils (channel stuff, files vector/locks,hunk3s)
list.scm lisp ops (cons,pair?,length,cxr,mappers,assocs,members,etc)
load.scm program loading
lambda.scm lambda abstraction (lambda,lexpr,extended-lambda)
narith.scm scheme math funs (+,-,trigs,floats,polys,min/max,etc)
oldio.scm old io procedure names (channel io stuff)
pathnm.scm pathname utils (make,drive,directroy,type,conversion funs)
primlist.scm primitive list ops (cons,memq,assoc,cxr,etc)
scomb.scm scode combinator abstractions
stream.scm stream utilities (append,filter,accumulate,merge,etc)
string.scm character string ops
strmac.scm stream macros
uio.scm useful file io funs (read,copy,rn,dl,exists?)
unpars.scm unparsers for converting objects to string representations
vector.scm vector ops (make,copy,vector references..)
xlist.scm extended list ops (mapcan,mapcan*,or,and)
advice.scm tools to advise funs (trace,break,other advice wrappers)
pp.scm scheme pretty printer
rrrs.scm revised report on Scheme compatability defs,macro definers
wind.scm state space world model (state pts,dynamic wind,protectors..)
comand.scm debugger command loop support
debug.scm scm level debugger w/ display,history,motion,continuation cmds
stackp.scm scheme control stack parser for debugger
where.scm the environment inspector(show,show-frame,print bindings...)
xdebug.scm debugging primitives
boot.scm bootload utils, run after coldmd. defs of global primitve funs
datime.scm date time utils
events.scm event distribution system
file.scm file package (catalog,floppy,volumn,directory,misc funs)
gc.scm scheme garbage collector, gc-daemon list, suspension funs
gcstat.scm garbage collector meters, history modes, etc
history.scm history manipulation (backbone & ribs, push/pop history, etc)
intrpt.scm interrupt system (timers,keyboard ints,default handlers)
link.scm links compiled byte code ?
photo.scm ? takes an internal photo or something (whatever that is)
sysclk.scm system clock utils (set,read,interval calculations)
system.scm system funs (world dumpers,disk savers)
world.scm world ops (save, disk restore, quit, exit..)
implmd.scm defs for implementation dependencies (mostly whtspc ch codes)
spmd.scm control stack/control point funs
xusermd.scm cross syntaxer user interface (pathname and string funs)
coldmd.scm first scm code runs early, builds obarray, fixed obj vector
runmd.scm loads compiled code for runtime system
bgraph.scm bobcat (starbase) graphics interface
emacs.scm emacs interface to scheme system
future.scm part of butterfly basic band load (atom macros)
graphics.scm graphics system interface (draw-line,line styles, etc)
process.scm interface to unix primitives (signal,spawn,wait,pause,etc)
qsort.scm a scheme quicksort
sample.scm shows how microcode C funs are linked into scheme
unix.scm unix scheme interface (cwd,mkdir,kill-eol,getenv,etc)
6.001 Course
login.scm student login/logout utils
logout.scm student logout utils (resets 6.001 student environment)
namelist.scm machine names for 6.001 lab
chapter1.cod Scheme code from text by Abelson & Sussman,
chapter2.cod Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
PROBLEM SETS (mostly related to SICP)
adventure.scm a game
compiler.scm simple scheme compiler (see Struc & Interp of Comp Progms)
eceval.scm explicit control evaluator (see SICP)
ecevsyn.scm expr & env defs used by explicit ctl eval (see SICP)
regsim.scm register machine simulator (see SICP)
ps4.scm huffman encoding funs
ps5.scm basic generic math funs (ints,polys,rationals, see SICP)
ps6.scm imaginary world defs (deans,trolls,etc)
ps7.scm stream utils
ps8eval.scm evaluator funs for explicit ctl evaluator (see SICP)
ps8mods.scm environment, binding utils (see SICP)
ps8putget.scm put/get procs (see SICP)
ps9data.scm database for query language interpreter (see SICP)
ps9query.scm query language interpreter (see SICP)
ps10load.scm program loader