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macros in XSCHEME
Below is a commented version of the MACROS.S file which is part of the
xscheme package. Please let me have comments on the comments
(meta-comments ??) .
; comments by DWC
; this will become the universal argument to COMPILE
(define (%expand-macros expr)
(if (pair? expr)
(if (symbol? (car expr))
(let ((expander (get (car expr) '%syntax))) ; prop is put below (2)
(if expander
(expander expr) ; <-- THEN clause for defined macros
(let ((expander (get (car expr) '%macro))) ; prop is put at (1)
(if expander
(%expand-macros (expander expr)) ; <-- THEN clause for "macro"
(cons (car expr) (%expand-list (cdr expr))))))) ; default
(%expand-list expr)) ; compound arguments like COND and LET
expr)) ; evaluate the atom
(define (%expand-list lyst) ; a helper function for the universal arg
(if (pair? lyst)
(cons (%expand-macros (car lyst)) (%expand-list (cdr lyst)))
(define %compile compile) ; was at the top
; Note the destructive re-define following :
(define (compile expr #!optional env)
(if (default-object? env)
(%compile (%expand-macros expr)) ; action of the old compile
(%compile (%expand-macros expr) env)))
; ** as of now, everything passed to COMPILE will be of the new form.
(put 'macro '%macro
(lambda (form)
(list 'put
(list 'quote (cadr form))
(list 'quote '%macro) ; (1)
(caddr form))))
(macro compiler-syntax
(lambda (form)
(list 'put
(list 'quote (cadr form))
(list 'quote '%syntax) ; (2)
(caddr form))))
(macro syntax
(lambda (form)
#f)) ; i.e., not implemented
; ******* This completes the re-integration of COMPILE into
; MACRO or COMPILER-SYNTAX or default. Implementation begins here:
(compiler-syntax quote
(lambda (form) form))
(compiler-syntax lambda
(lambda (form)
(cadr form)
(%expand-list (cddr form))))))
(compiler-syntax define
(lambda (form)
(cadr form)
(%expand-list (cddr form))))))
(compiler-syntax set!
(lambda (form)
(cadr form)
(%expand-list (cddr form))))))
(define (%cond-expander lyst) ; a helper function for what follows immediately
(cond ; coincidentally the unexpanded COND
((pair? lyst)
(if (pair? (car lyst))
(%expand-list (car lyst))
(car lyst))
(%cond-expander (cdr lyst))))
(else lyst)))
(compiler-syntax cond
(lambda (form)
(cons 'cond (%cond-expander (cdr form)))))
;; the folowing comment block is in the original:
; The following code for expanding let/let*/letrec was donated by:
; Harald Hanche-Olsen
; The University of Trondheim
; The Norwegian Institute of Technology
; Division of Mathematics
; N-7034 Trondheim NTH
; Norway
(define (%expand-let-assignment pair) ; a mapper in what follows immediately
(if (pair? pair)
(car pair)
(%expand-macros (cdr pair)))
(define (%expand-let-form form) ;
(car form) ; let/let*/letrec
(let ((lyst (cadr form))) ; coincidentally the unexpanded LET
(if (pair? lyst)
(map %expand-let-assignment lyst)
(%expand-list (cddr form)))))
(compiler-syntax let %expand-let-form)
(compiler-syntax let* %expand-let-form)
(compiler-syntax letrec %expand-let-form)
(macro define-integrable
(lambda (form)
(cons 'define (cdr form))))
(macro declare
(lambda (form) #f)) ; i.e., not implemented
David Crabb