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looking for pub domain OPS

(Yes, there is some tie-in to the list :-)

For the last five years or so, off and on, I've been hearing about a public
domain OPS-5.  Does anyone know where to find this mythical release?  The
original was said to have been in a MacLisp dialect, but rumor has claimed
that other PD translations existed, Scheme among them.  So...

Does anyone know of a version in any or all of:

-Scheme                               -Common Lisp
-MacLisp dialect                      -Other high level language
-VAX/VMS whatever                     -MS-Dos whatever (ugh)

or at least of a PD, HLL version of the resolution mechanism?  Documentation?

Since this isn't properly a Scheme topic, please post responses to me and I
will summarize to interested parties (or to the list if enough interest).

Thank you all,              -john

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John Lundin, Jr.        lundin@urvax.bitnet    "Immature programmers imitate,
University of Richmond  lundin@urvax.urich.edu    mature programmers steal"