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need R3RS code to test my new generational gc

I'm looking for a few good programs to test my new generational
gc on.  The gc is for Scheme-48, which is pretty much bare-bones

At the moment, I'm looking for programs that won't take much porting,
preferably none.  (The debugging cycle is abysmally long at the
moment, and there are no debugging tools.)

I believe I heard somewhere that the programs from Abelson & Sussman's
_Structure_and_Interpretation_of_Computer_Programs_ are available
in machine-readable format via ftp.  Could anybody tell me how to
get them?  And maybe the Scheme versions of the Gabriel benchmarks?

I'm looking for all sizes and kinds of programs.  (At the moment, even
little ones will help me test the system;  later I'll want large ones
for gathering serious gc statistics.)  Assuming I get the SICP
code, I shouldn't need any more of the ubiquitous Scheme-in-Scheme
programs.  (I've already run one.)  Other than that, though, the
field is wide open.  The more "real" the program, the better.

Thanks prematurely,


Paul R. Wilson                         
Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory     lab ph.: (312) 413-0042
U. of Illin. at C. EECS Dept. (M/C 154)   wilson@carcoar.stanford.edu
Box 4348   Chicago,IL 60680 
Paul R. Wilson                         
Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory    lab ph.: (312) 413-0042
U. of Ill. at Chi. EECS Dept. (M/C 154) 
Box 4348   Chicago,IL 60680              wilson@carcoar.stanford.edu