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Lisp and Functional Programming Conference '90 (very long)
1990 Lisp and Functional Programming
Advance Program
Nice, France, June 27--29, 1990
A conference jointly sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Groups
SIGPLAN, SIGACT and SIGART, in cooperation with SIGSAM. The conference
is organized in France in cooperation with INRIA.
Tuesday, June 26th
05:00--06:30 pm Conference Registration
05:00--06:30 pm Reception
Wednesday, June 27th
09:00--10:30 Session 1: Chaired by Christopher T. Haynes, Indiana University
Andrew P. Tolmach and Andrew W. Appel, Princeton University
Debugging Standard ML Without Reverse Engineering
Pavel Curtis, Xerox PARC, and James Rauen, MIT
A Module System for Scheme
Mark A. Sheldon and David K. Gifford, MIT
Static Dependent Types for First Class Modules
11:00--12:30 Session 2: Chaired by Pierre-Louis Curien, ENS Paris
Luca Cardelli, DEC SRC, and Giuseppe Longo, University of Pisa and LIENS
A Semantic Basis for Quest
V. Breazu-Tannen, C. A. Gunter, A. Scedrov, University of Pennsylvania
Computing with Coercions
Philip Wadler, University of Glasgow
Comprehending Monads
02:00--03:30 Session 3: Chaired by Robert Kessler, University of Utah
Douglas Johnson, Texas Instruments
Trap Architectures for Lisp Systems
Benjamin Zorn, Berkeley
Comparing Mark-and-Sweep and Stop-and-Copy Garbage Collection
Gregor Kiczales, Xerox PARC, and Luis Rodriguez, MIT
Efficient Method Dispatch in PCL
04:00--06:00 Session 4: Chaired by Hal Abelson, MIT
Chris Hanson, MIT
Efficient Stack Allocation for Tail-Recursive Languages
Marc Feeley and James S. Miller, Brandeis University
A Parallel Virtual Machine for Efficient Scheme Compilation
Clifford Walinsky and Deb Banerjee, Dartmouth College
A Functional Programming Language Compiler for Massively Parallel Computers
Andrew Berlin, MIT
Partial Evaluation Applied to Numerical Computation
Thursday, June 28th
09:00--10:30 Session 5: Chaired by Hans-J. Boehm, Xerox PARC
Olivier Danvy, Indiana University, and Andrzej Filinski, Carnegie-Mellon
Abstracting Control
Dorai Sitaram and Matthias Felleisen, Rice University
Reasoning with Continuations II: How to Get Full Abstraction for
Models of Control
Morry Katz and Daniel Weise, Stanford University
Continuing Into the Future: On the Interaction of Futures and
First-Class Continuations
11:00--12:30 Session 6: Chaired by John Foderaro, Franz, Inc.
E. Mohr, Yale University, D. A. Kranz, MIT, and R. H. Halstead Jr., DEC CRL
Lazy Task Creation: A Technique for Increasing the Granularity of
Parallel Programs
Randy B. Osborne, DEC CRL
Speculative Computation in Multilisp
J.F. Giorgi and D. Le M\'etayer, IRISA/INRIA
Continuation-Based Parallel Implementation of Functional Programming
02:00--03:30 Session 7: Chaired by Paul Hudak, Yale University
Henry G. Baker, Nimble Computer Corporation
Unify and Conquer (Garbage, Updating, Aliasing, ...) in Functional
G.L. Burn, Imperial College
Using Projection Analysis in Compiling Lazy Functional Programs
M. Draghicescu and S. Purushothaman, Pennsylvania State University
A Compositional Analysis of Evaluation-order and Its Application
04:00--05:30 Session 8: Chaired by Simon Peyton-Jones, University of Glasgow
Hanne Riis Nielson and Flemming Nielson, Aarhus University
Context Information for Lazy Code Generation
Charles Consel, Yale University
Binding Time Analysis for Higher Order Untyped Functional Languages
Laurence Puel, LIENS and DEC PRL, and Ascander Suarez, DEC PRL
Compiling Pattern Matching by Term Decomposition
Friday, June 29th
08:30--10:00 Session 9: Chaired by Mitchell Wand, Northeastern University
Carsten K. Gomard, University of Copenhagen
Partial Type Inference for Untyped Functional Programs
Daniel Leivant, Carnegie Mellon University
Discrete Polymorphism
Brian T. Howard and John C. Mitchell, Stanford University
Operational and Axiomatic Semantics of PCF
10:30--12:30 Session 10: Chaired by Ken McAloon, Brooklyn College
John Field and Tim Teitelbaum, Cornell University
Incremental Reduction in the Lambda Calculus
John Hannan and Dale Miller, University of Pennsylvania
From Operational Semantics to Abstract Machines: Preliminary Results
An Abstract Machine for Lambda-Terms Normalization
Gopalan Nadathur and Debra Sue Wilson, Duke University
A Representation of Lambda Terms Suitable for Operations on their
The 1990 ACM Lisp and Functional Programming Conference will be held
in the Acropolis Convention Center, in Nice, France.
Palais des Congres
1, Esplanade Kennedy
06012 NICE
Tel. (33)
Nice has a major international airport located less than two miles from
the downtown area, with frequent buses. It is possible to fly direct to Nice
from North America and from most capitals in Europe.
Advance registration for the Conference is highly recommended. If you wish
to receive a latex copy of the conference leaflet, with Registration Form and
Hotel Reservation Form, send a request to kahn@mirsa.inria.fr.