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CMU Common Lisp

I'm curious about what "Full support for IEEE single and double"
really means in your blurb for 16e.

For example, let

(setq bigdouble (exp 100000.0d0)) ;; pos infinity -- how does it print?

(setq nan (- bigdouble bigdouble)) ;; IEEE not-a-number -- ditto
;;; the answer above should not be zero by IEEE rules.  If it comes
;;; out zero, please try another way of generating a NaN... perhaps
;;; (/ 0.0 0.0) with suitable non-trapping.  Then...

(max nan 5.0d0)   ;; which is larger?

(max 5.0d0 nan)   ;; same question...

;;; Many thanks
;;;  Richard Fateman