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trivial patch 3

> ;;; Splits the filename into the name and type.  If someone wants to change
> ;;; this yet again, just change this.

The original code treats a dotted filename, ".foo", as if it had an explicit
empty type.  I think it ought to be simply non-specified, just like a non-dot
file (so if I have ".foo.lisp", I can say (compile-file ".foo") and get a
".foo.sparcf" file, and then (load ".foo")).  IMHO...


*** ./code/filesys.lisp.ORIG	Sun Apr 28 08:23:17 1991
--- ./code/filesys.lisp	Thu May  9 14:15:42 1991
*** 155,163 ****
  (defun split-filename (filename)
    (declare (simple-string filename))
    (let ((posn (position #\. filename :from-end t)))
!     (cond ((null posn)
  	   (values filename nil))
! 	  ((or (zerop posn) (= posn (1- (length filename))))
  	   (values filename ""))
  	   (values (subseq filename 0 posn)
--- 155,163 ----
  (defun split-filename (filename)
    (declare (simple-string filename))
    (let ((posn (position #\. filename :from-end t)))
!     (cond ((or (null posn) (zerop posn))
  	   (values filename nil))
! 	  ((= posn (1- (length filename)))
  	   (values filename ""))
  	   (values (subseq filename 0 posn)