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cookie-based authoritization in CLX (was: Re: hemlock display)

  The following code can be used to extract the authorization keys
from a file specified by the XAUTHORITY variable (falling back to
".Xauthority" in the user-homedir if this is not set).

Reading environment variables is of course system-dependent... I have
tested it in Allegro (4.1 beta) and CMU CL (15d).

The other non-portable feature I use is the hostname->address
translation (because in the Xauthority file you always have
addresses).  "dependent.lisp" in CLX defines a function HOST-ADDRESS
for some systems (Explorer, Genera and Minima).  I use this function
and added the definitions for Allegro and CMU CL.

The auth file is read as a character stream, but it should really be
an (INTEGER 0 255) byte stream or some such.

;;; File Name:	  clx-auth.lisp
;;; Description:  Reading X Authority Databases
;;; Author:	  Simon Leinen (simon@lia.di.epfl.ch)
;;; Date Created: 14-Feb-92
;;; RCS $Header$  
;;; RCS $Log$	  
;;; Copyright (C) 1987 Texas Instruments Incorporated.
;;; Copyright (C) 1992 Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
;;; Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use,
;;; copy, modify, and distribute this software, provided that this
;;; complete copyright and permission notice is maintained, intact, in
;;; all copies and supporting documentation.
;;; Texas Instruments Incorporated provides this software "as is" without
;;; express or implied warranty.
;;; EPFL provides this software "as is" without express or implied
;;; warranty.
;;; These replacement versions of the R4 and R5 CLX open-display
;;; functions try to retrieve the authorization data for the given
;;; display from a file.  The name of the authorization file is given
;;; by the XAUTHORITY environment variable.  If this variable is not
;;; set, a file named ".Xauthority" under the user's home directory is
;;; scanned.  In connection with automatic cookie setup as with XDM,
;;; this change increases network transparency (and security).

(in-package "XLIB")

(defun open-display (host  &rest options &key (display 0) protocol
		     authorization-name authorization-data &allow-other-keys)
  ;; Changed by Simon Leinen <simon@lia.di.epfl.ch>:
  ;; If no authorization information is given, try to find it out.
  (declare (type integer display)
	   (dynamic-extent options))
  (declare (values display))
  (unless (or authorization-name authorization-data)
    (multiple-value-setq (authorization-name authorization-data)
      (get-authorization-key host display protocol)))
  ;; PROTOCOL is the network protocol (something like :TCP :DNA or :CHAOS). See OPEN-X-STREAM.
  (let* ((stream (open-x-stream host display protocol))
	 (disp (apply #'make-buffer
		      :host host
		      :display display
		      :output-stream stream
		      :input-stream stream
		      :allow-other-keys t
	 (ok-p nil))
	  (display-connect disp
			   :authorization-name authorization-name
			   :authorization-data authorization-data)
	  (initialize-resource-allocator disp)
	  (initialize-predefined-atoms disp)
	  (initialize-extensions disp)
	  (setq ok-p t))
      (unless ok-p (close-display disp :abort t)))

(defun open-display (host  &rest options &key (display 0) protocol
		     authorization-name authorization-data &allow-other-keys)
  (declare (type integer display)
	   (dynamic-extent options))
  (declare (values display))
  (unless (or authorization-name authorization-data)
    (multiple-value-setq (authorization-name authorization-data)
      (get-authorization-key host display protocol)))
  ;; PROTOCOL is the network protocol (something like :TCP :DNA or :CHAOS). See OPEN-X-STREAM.
  (let* ((stream (open-x-stream host display protocol))
	 (disp (apply #'make-buffer
		      #x2000 'make-display-internal
		      :host host
		      :display display
		      :output-stream stream
		      :input-stream stream
		      :allow-other-keys t
	 (ok-p nil))
	  (display-connect disp
			   :authorization-name authorization-name
			   :authorization-data authorization-data)
	  (initialize-resource-allocator disp)
	  (initialize-predefined-atoms disp)
	  (initialize-extensions disp)
	  (setq ok-p t))
      (unless ok-p (close-display disp :abort t)))

(defun get-authorization-key (host display protocol)
  (let ((auth-file (authority-file-name)))
    (if (not (probe-file auth-file))
	(values nil nil)
      (let ((display-number-as-string (prin1-to-string display)))
	(ecase protocol
	  ((:tcp nil)
	   (let ((host-address (host-address host :internet)))
	     (with-open-file (auth auth-file)
		   (multiple-value-bind (address number name data)
		       (read-xauth-entry auth)
		     (unless address
		       (return nil))
		     (when (and (equal host-address address)
				(string= number display-number-as-string))
		       (return (values name data)))))))))))))

(defun authority-file-name (&optional host)
  (let ((xauthority (getenv "XAUTHORITY")))
    (or xauthority
	 :name ".Xauthority"
	 :defaults (user-homedir-pathname host)))))

(defun getenv (name)
  #+Allegro (sys:getenv name)
  #+Lucid (lcl:environment-value name)
  #+CMU (cdr (assoc name ext:*environment-list* :test #'string=))
  #-(or Allegro Lucid CMU)

(defun read-xauth-entry (stream)
  (let ((family (net-read-short stream nil)))
    (and family
	 (let* ((address (net-read-short-length-string stream))
		(number (net-read-short-length-string stream))
		(name (net-read-short-length-string stream))
		(data (net-read-short-length-string stream)))
	   (values (decode-address family address) number name data)))))

(defun decode-address (family address)
  (ecase family
     (list :internet (char-int (schar address 0))
	   (char-int (schar address 1))
	   (char-int (schar address 2))
	   (char-int (schar address 3))))
     ;; is it ok to return address as a string?
     (list :unix address))))

(defun net-read-short (stream &optional (errorp t) (eof-value nil))
  (let ((high-byte-char (read-char stream errorp nil)))
    (if (not high-byte-char)
	(+ (* (char-int high-byte-char) 256)
	   (char-int (read-char stream))))))

(defun net-read-short-length-string (stream)
  (let ((length (net-read-short stream)))
    (let ((string (make-string length)))
      (dotimes (k length)
	(setf (schar string k) (read-char stream)))

(defun host-address (host &optional (family :internet))
  (labels ((no-host-error ()
	     (error "Unknown host ~S" host))
	   (no-address-error ()
	     (error "Host ~S has no ~S address" host family)))
    (let ((hostent (ipc::gethostbyname host)))
	     (when (zerop hostent)
	     (ecase family
		(unless (= (ipc::hostent-addrtype hostent) 2)
		(assert (= (ipc::hostent-length hostent) 4))
		(let ((addr (ipc::hostent-addr hostent)))
		   (when (or (member comp::.target.
				     '(:hp :sgi4d :sony :dec3100)
				     :test #'eq)
			     (probe-file "/lib/ld.so"))
		     ;; BSD 4.3 based systems require an extra indirection
		     (setq addr (si:memref-int addr 0 0 :unsigned-long)))
		  (list :internet
			(si:memref-int addr 0 0 :unsigned-byte)
			(si:memref-int addr 1 0 :unsigned-byte)
			(si:memref-int addr 2 0 :unsigned-byte)
			(si:memref-int addr 3 0 :unsigned-byte))))))
	(ff:free-cstruct hostent)))))

(defun host-address (host &optional (family :internet))
  (labels ((no-host-error ()
	     (error "Unknown host ~S" host))
	   (no-address-error ()
	     (error "Host ~S has no ~S address" host family)))
    (let ((hostent (ext:lookup-host-entry host)))
      (when (not hostent)
      (ecase family
	 (unless (= (ext::host-entry-addr-type hostent) 2)
	 (let ((addr (first (ext::host-entry-addr-list hostent))))
	   (list :internet
		 (ldb (byte 8 24) addr)
		 (ldb (byte 8 16) addr)
		 (ldb (byte 8  8) addr)
		 (ldb (byte 8  0) addr))))))))