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Re: maphash

Miles Bader <miles@cogsci.edinburgh.ac.uk> writes:
> user> (describe 'maphash)
> Function documentation:
>   For each entry in HASH-TABLE, calls MAP-FUNCTION on the key and value
>   of the entry; returns T.
> Its result type is:
>   null
> On Wednesday, 3/11/92 01:56:58 am GMT it was compiled from:
> /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/clisp/src/16/code/hash.lisp
>   Created: Saturday, 12/14/91 06:10:22 pm GMT
>   Comment: $Header: hash.lisp,v 1.11 91/12/14 13:09:37 wlott Exp $
> --
> Miles Bader  --  HCRC, University of Edinburgh  --  miles@cogsci.ed.ac.uk
> Kodomo-tachi ga raion ni taberaremashita.

*** /tmp/,RCSt1006819	Thu Apr 23 14:10:44 1992
--- hash.lisp	Thu Apr 23 14:10:15 1992
*** 343,349 ****
  (defun maphash (map-function hash-table)
    "For each entry in HASH-TABLE, calls MAP-FUNCTION on the key and value
!   of the entry; returns T."
    (let ((vector (hash-table-table hash-table)))
      (declare (simple-vector vector))
--- 343,349 ----
  (defun maphash (map-function hash-table)
    "For each entry in HASH-TABLE, calls MAP-FUNCTION on the key and value
!   of the entry; returns NIL."
    (let ((vector (hash-table-table hash-table)))
      (declare (simple-vector vector))

Happy now?

-William Lott
CMU Common Lisp Group