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- To: slug%r20.utexas.edu@CSNET-RELAY
- Subject: ADVICE
- From: ANK%CUNYVMS1.BITNET%wiscvm.wisc.edu@CSNET-RELAY
- Date: 13 AUG 86 16:00-EST
- Resent-date: Tue 19 Aug 86 21:39:19-CDT
- Resent-from: <CMP.SLUG%r20.utexas.edu@CSNET-RELAY>
- Resent-message-id: <12232192331.8.CMP.SLUG@R20.UTEXAS.EDU>
- Resent-to: SLUG:;
We have recently acquired at CUNY Graduate School a SYMBOLICS 3760, with
6.1 Release. At present it is a standalone machine (and pesumably will be
so for at least some time) I wish to get info and if possible some back
issues of the network-mail to catch-up on what's happening.
Suggestions and advices on the Do's and Don'ts about the machine would be
welcome from more experienced users
anil khullar
C.U.N.Y. Graduate Center