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Re: misc. annoyances

    Date: Wed, 3 Jun 87 15:15:35 EDT
    From: miller@cs.rochester.edu

    Entering the editor recursively is only half the problem: the really
    desired state is to support multiple editor processes (e.g. <select>
    c-E gives you a new process rather than just a new window); now you
    have the problem of communication of bindings in the process stack. I
    suspect they haven't done this because they would have to rewrite a
    lot of stuff to associate things more with the buffers? (so nothing
    important is on the stack).

    There is nothing more annoying that creating a new editor and finding
    you can't use it because you are in the middle of an incremental
    search in the other one. I created the new thing so I could *save my
    state* in the first one!

    Anyway, I can't think of a single more important improvement to the
    user interface...

I already replied to this: this will be in 7.2.