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Anyone have any experience with prom 47 in laserwriters??

    Date: Wed, 11 Nov 87 15:53 PST
    From: David A. Bentzen <Dave@PHOENIX.SCH.Symbolics.COM>

	Date: Tue, 10 Nov 87 08:21 CST
	From: Mark Rosenstein <rosenstein@HI.MCC.COM>


	We are thinking of upgrading our laserwriters and laserwriter pluses to 
	all be pluses and run prom set 47. [Recently purchased LW+ may already
	have this new set]. We have a LW+ hooked up to a 3600 print spooler.

    I take it from your message that you have gotten the laserwriter plus to
    work on the 3600?? Was anything special involved with this?? What serial
    port is it hung off of?? What version prom does the laserwriter plus
    have that is hooked up and working?? Are there any special changes to
    the namespace to enable the LW+ to work? Have you had any other little
    problems with the printer??

	Not desiring to boldly go where no Symbolics has gone before, has anyone
	run the new proms? 

    I would also like to know if you hear from anybody who has been able to make 
    the new prom set work. (version 47)



	P.S. The new prom set is supposed to be faster, especially with bitmaps
	(rumor mill says 4-5x faster), with the usual bug fixes. That's all I know.

    Thanks in advance 

We have used a QMS 800 (and plus), and the TI omnilaser poscript models on the
symbolics machine. they have postscript versions >40 (tho I don't remember how much

bitmap operations are faster, print screens that took 4 min on the apple (we run
length encode the bitmaps, hence it is faster than the 'bolics code) took 2 min on
the others.