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Overpushing the buffer while booting...

    Date: Mon, 23 Nov 87 21:22 EST
    From: Robert W. Kerns <RWK@YUKON.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>

	Date: Sat, 21 Nov 87 17:25 PST
	From: Steve Trever <trev@VERMITHRAX.SCH.Symbolics.COM>

	    Date: Sat, 21 Nov 87 19:05:01 EST
	    From: John T. Nelson <jtn@potomac>
	    Every other boot on our Symbolics 3670 generates either an "Overpushed
	    buffer", or "FEP memory full" error and prevents us from booting our
	    machine.  I suspect that either the "Find IDS Files" command or the
	    flods we scan are causing FEP memory to fill up.  I've tried "Clear
	    Command Tree" which clears the flod information out, but this doesn't
	    help.  I've found that the only way to boot the machine after receiving
	    this error is to do a reset FEP which is not a satisfactory solution
	    since this spins the disks down and back up again.

    Why are you using Find IDS Files?  It shouldn't ordinarily be
    necessary to give this command.  Have you tried taking out
    this command from your boot file, and resetting the FEP, and
    seeing how things work?

What I've found on systems with a lot of worlds is that if you use the
nonspecific case it runs out of memory while checking the worlds on the
disk and fails to find all the parents. If you Add IDS File the specific
parents for the world you're trying to boot it will work properly. Some
of this might also be fixed in the newer flod files. I've seen it mostly
on "lotta worlds" stock 7.1 machines in the field. The Add IDS File
<specific world> seems to help (as long as you remember to add in all
the parents and change it when you layer on another IDS).