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Automatic Mode Lines

    Date: Wed, 2 Dec 87 13:53 EST
    From: J. Scott Penberthy  <JSP@IBM.COM>

	Date: Wed, 2 Dec 87 10:22 EST
	From: Scott McKay <SWM@SAPSUCKER.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>

	Date: Tue, 1 Dec 87 10:47 EST
	From: J. Scott Penberthy  <JSP@IBM.COM>

	   Does anyone have a hack that automatically inserts a mode line in a newly
	   created LISP mode buffer?  If not, is there an undocumented feature of
	   ZMACS that does the same?


	m-X Update Attribute List?

    No -- I'm more interested in an 1automatic0 method for writing the
    attribute list whenever a new, LISP-mode buffer is created.  The "Update
    Attribute List" command just uses the current defaults for the mode
    line.  However, I want to use a different mode line (or set of lines),
    something like

    ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: USER; Base 10; VSP: 0 -*-
    ;;; This file was created on <date> by <pretty user name> on <machine>
    ;;;     <License info>

    I don't think that the Update Attribute List command will automatically
    insert the VSP option; it certainly won't generate a multi-line header.
    I'd also like this header to be generated automatically whenever I
    create a new buffer; the less keystrokes, the better.

    Is there something like a "newly-generated-file-buffer-hook"?  Such a hook
    could solve this problem.


I am almost embarrassed to send this to anyone, but it works for me. I think
that it is self explanatory. I also including 2com-insert-modified-by-string
0which you might find useful, I do. I use the key bindings of hyper-i for initial
and hyper-c for change. 


2(defcom com-create-initial-attribute-list 0"create an initial attribute list"2 ()
0	2(let ((start-bp     (copy-bp (interval-first-bp *interval*)))
0	      2(mode-keyword (send *major-mode* :major-mode-keyword)))
0	  2(insert-moving start-bp
0			 2(format nil
0				 ";;; -*- Mode: ~A; Package: ~A;~@[ Syntax: ~A;~] Base: 10; Vsp: 0 -*-~
                       ~&;;; Created ~\\Date\\ by ~A on ~A at ~A~2%"
0				 2(pkg-name cl:*package*)
0				 2(when (eq mode-keyword :lisp)
0				   ;; syntax only applies to lisp buffers
				   2(let ((buffer-syntax (send *interval* :get :syntax)))
0				     ;; if the buffer has a syntax already, use it.
				     ;; Otherwise use CL
				     2(if buffer-syntax
0					 2(cl:string-capitalize (format nil 0"~A"2 buffer-syntax))
0					 "Common-Lisp"2)))
0				 2(cl:get-universal-time)
0				 2user-id
0				 2(cl:machine-instance)
0				 2(cl:short-site-name)))
0	  ;; because of my homebrew electric-style-lock mode.
0	  2(when (eq mode-keyword :lisp)
0	    ;; change font of comment we just wrote if this is lisp mode
	    2(change-style-interval (copy-bp (interval-first-bp *interval*)) start-bp
0				   2t0 2(si:style-index (si:parse-character-style '(nil nil nil))))))
0	;; return a redisplay option

(defcom com-insert-modified-by-string
0	"Insert a comment as second line of the buffer describing who, what, what time and why"2 ()
0	2(com-goto-beginning)
0	2(down-real-line 1)
0	2(let ((stream (open-interval-stream (point))))
0	  2(format stream
0		  "~a~a~a"2 0";;; modified by "
		  2(send si:*user* :personal-name-first-name-first)
0		  " "2)
0	  2(time:print-current-time stream)
0	  2(format stream 0"~a"2 0" purpose: "2)
0	  2(send stream :tyo #\cr))
0	2(com-end-of-line)
0	2dis-text)